Hawaiian Airlines Flight turns around after the passengers argue over the seat's tilt


Hawaiian Airlines made a dramatic move Tuesday when the plane decided to return to Hawaii after a dispute broke out between two pbadengers. The pbadengers of the flight were disturbed mainly because of the incident, but the airline badured them that they would be the subject of a new reservation on another flight for the sake of security.

Hawaiian Airlines 321 aircraft

The flight of Hawaiian Airlines forced to return to Honolulu after a dispute between pbadengers. Photo: Hawaiian Airlines.

Litigation between pbadengers

Two pbadengers were involved in a verbal dispute over a recent flight between Honolulu and Los Angeles. Two hours after the start of the five-hour trip, an argument broke out between two men. According to other pbadengers of the aircraft not involved in the incident, the dispute was based on the reclined seat of a pbadenger who struck another pbadenger.

The pbadenger seated behind began to argue with the other pbadenger about the position of his seat. The argument has finally degenerated. Shortly after the screams were heard throughout the plane, a pbadenger crossed the hallway of the plane while he was charging the other person. A flight attendant intervened to end the conflict before it escalated. Through the help, the disagreement did not become physical. Rumor has it that the flight attendant could have been injured while she was breaking the situation, but no injury report was officially announced.

After the end of the incident, an announcement was made announcing the return of the aircraft to Honolulu due to concerns for the safety of all pbadengers. The pbadengers were not satisfied with the announcement and gave a disappointing "sigh" in response to this news.

Hawaiian Airlines turns around

Screen shot of Hawaiian Airlines making a U-turn about 2 hours after its flight to Los Angeles from Honolulu. Photo: NBC News.

Return flight to Hawaii

The plane finally found its original point in Honolulu. The flight took off from Honolulu at 2:50 pm to travel to Los Angeles. He returned and landed in Hawaii at 1838, about the time he was scheduled to land in Los Angeles.

Upon their return to Hawaii, the pbadengers involved in the dispute were escorted out of the plane by the police and placed in custody. The remaining 274 pbadengers and 11 crew members were also forced to leave the plane and return to the boarding gate to wait for their rescheduled flight. Pbadengers were told to take all of their hand luggage when they got off the plane.

Screenshot of Hawaiian Airlines Pbadenger

Screen capture of a disruptive pbadenger escorted by a plane by the authorities of Hawaii. Photo: NBC News.

The incident was the main inconvenience for pbadengers arriving in Los Angeles on Tuesday night. Many pbadengers had prior connections or commitments scheduled in the city, all of which had to be canceled due to the slight altercation that occurred during the flight.

Hawaiian Airlines has decided to turn back on its journey, worried for the safety of the pbadengers and the crew on board the flight. Although the conflict was minor, it could have become much worse if the flight attendant had not intervened. It seems unusual that a minor problem, such as hitting someone with a seat, forces a pbadenger to be fired to another at full speed in the middle of the flight. Hawaiian Airlines would have acted accordingly to avoid any other problem during the trip.

We are awaiting an official statement from Hawaiian Airlines regarding the details of the flight incident.

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