Health administrator wants Jamaicans to take on more health responsibilities despite high cost of dialysis


MANCHESTER, Jamaica – With an annual cost of $ 65.8 million to treat people with kidney failure at the Mandeville Regional Hospital (MRH) in Manchester, the Regional Director of the Health Authority Southern Regional Council (SRHA), Michael Bent, once again called on Jamaicans to take greater responsibility for their health.

The Regional Director spoke at the Thursday, April 4, $ 1 million donation to the MRH Kidney Unit by the Jamaica Standard Products Company (JSP) as part of its annual High Mountain Coffee Road event Race.

Bent praised the donation which, he says, will have a huge impact on the lives of the 58 patients who have access to the services of the 12 dialysis stations in the unit. He praised the JSP for its selfless service over the years and pointed out that over the past five years, the company had donated more than $ 4 million to the MRH Nephropathy Unit, according to a statement from the SRHA .

Noting that some 103 people are on the waiting list to access hemodialysis services at HRM, Mr. Bent said the demand for these services was exceeding the resources and capacity of the hospital . however, the hospital will make additional adjustments to accommodate another 11 patients in need of essential service.

"We will use our resources and staff a little more to help additional patients. However, we will effectively manage the staff and machines to ensure the sustainability of the service, "Bent said.

He emphasized that the problems badociated with noncommunicable and lifestyle-related diseases must be tackled from a number of angles, including taking responsibility for health. Bent spoke of several Ministry of Health initiatives, including the Jamaica Moves program, which encourages Jamaicans to live healthier lives through physical activity, adequate nutrition, and testing.

He also called on Jamaican companies and individuals to join the public health sector, noting that "if every Jamaican could donate even $ 100 a month, he could do a lot to ensure the sustainability of the service. ".

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