Health ALERT: Tourists injured by chikungunya virus after mosquito bite in Spain | Travel News | Trip


The three tourists from the same family, from Iceland, were in the seaside resort from 17 to 31 May. This trio is the first confirmed case in Spain. A 37-year-old woman became ill on 1 June and was diagnosed seven days later. She went to the emergency center of a hospital in Reykjavik, Iceland, and proved positive for the chikungunya virus.

The test was negative for zika and dengue fever; viruses that are considered more serious.

One of the woman's sisters and her five-year-old son had similar symptoms and were also confirmed as positive cases of chikungunya.

Symptoms of the virus may include fever, chills, joint pain and swelling, headache, muscle aches, and rash.

A fourth member of the family, a Norwegian sister, was the subject of a test that has not yet been conclusive.

The Ministry of Health has stated that to date, no other case of chikungunya in Valencia has been recorded.

Nevertheless, the ministry has "activated all protocols and taken appropriate steps to confirm any other home".

The entomological surveillance team at the University of Valencia is in Alicante to carry out inspections and take samples.

The Public Health Center is liaising with the Alicante City Council to review these cases, as well as other cases of people having contracted a fever of unknown origin.

The Icelandic family lived in a chalet rented in Alicante, the subject of the investigation being the focus of this survey.

Health officials said they were confident that Alicante was the source because of the incubation period before the physical signs began to appear

The mosquito was identified for the first time in the country in 2004, in San Cugat del Vallés, Spain.

They are currently in the coastal area of ​​Catalonia, in addition to a large part of Valencia and other autonomous communities.

These mosquitoes are usually found in homes and act during the day. Most activities take place two hours after sunrise and several hours before sunset.

Local residents are advised to install mosquito nets, wear long sleeves and tight pants, and use a specific mosquito repellent to prevent stings.

The European Union has an early warning and response system to respond quickly and effectively to events related to communicable diseases.

READ MORE: The bites of tiger mosquitoes in Spain – what to take away to avoid getting stung

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