Healthy adults | reduce calories a day | protects the heart


If you think you do not need to reduce calories simply because you have a few extra pounds or if you are in good health, take note! Even in healthy adults, removing about 300 calories a day has dramatically improved cholesterol levels, blood pressure, blood sugar levels and other already satisfactory markers, suggests a study.

The study was published in the journal "The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology". The trial, which is part of an ongoing project with the National Institutes of Health, continues to rely on the researchers' badumption that it is not just weight loss that leads to these improvements, but some more complex metabolic changes caused by consuming fewer calories than is spent.

"There is something about calorie restriction, a mechanism we do not yet understand that leads to these improvements. We have collected blood, muscle, and other samples from these participants, and we will continue to explore what this metabolic signal or magical molecule might be, "said William E. Kraus, lead author of the study.

During the first month of the trial, participants took three meals a day, which would reduce a quarter of their daily calories to help them become familiar with the new diet.

Participants were asked to maintain the 25% reduction in calories for two years. Their ability to do this varied, the average reduction in calories for all participants being about 12%. However, they managed to maintain a 10% weight loss, including 71% fat.

There have been many improvements in markers that measure the risk of metabolic disease. After two years, participants also showed a reduction in a biomarker that indicates chronic inflammation that has also been linked to heart disease, cancer, and cognitive decline.

"This shows that even a less severe modification than the one used in this study could reduce the burden of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. People can do it quite easily by simply observing their little indiscretions here or there, or perhaps reducing the number, such as not nibbling after dinner, "said Kraus.

Posted on: 15 July 2019 08:19

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