Heavy rain storm causes damage in parts of Kumasi | Social


Heavy rains accompanied by high winds and a storm caused considerable damage in parts of the Kumasi metropolis, destroying properties and making hundreds of people, including students, homeless.

The most affected areas were Anloga Junction, Ashtown, Krofoum, Mbrom, near the Kejetia roundabout and Suame.

The buildings collapsed while others had their roofs torn. Trees and power poles and large billboards were uprooted, while several metal containers and kiosks serving as stores and homes for some people were swept away.

No casualties were recorded, but students at Asanteman Senior High School were injured when the dormitory roof of the girls and the home economics blocks were torn during the storm.

The properties of the students were also destroyed.

An initial report that a fire broke out in the school was revealed to be false.

Mr Antwi Asamoah, director of the school, told the media that there was no fire in the school, but that the block of the school domestic economy and some parts of the girls' dormitory had been destroyed.

Mr. Kwabena Nsenkyire, Ashanti Regional Coordinator of the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO), along with officials from the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly, visited the affected communities to badess the situation.

Nsenkyire called on residents to take precautionary measures to protect themselves when rains begin to fall.

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