Hedgehogs linked to six other cases of salmonella


In one follow-up of the salmonellosis epidemic in several states In connection with pet hedgehogs, federal health officials have reported six more cases in the past two months.

Image / CDC
Image / CDC

A total of 17 people infected with the epidemic strain of Salmonella Typhimurium have been reported in 11 states. Two people were hospitalized and no deaths were reported.

The strain of the epidemic that made people sick was identified in samples taken from eight Minnesota hedgehogs, including three hedgehogs from two sick patients.

Sick people reported purchasing hedgehogs from a variety of sources, including pet stores, ranchers, and online. A common supplier of hedgehogs in this outbreak has not been identified.

Health officials said that the hedgehogs could carry the Salmonella bacteria while looking clean and healthy.

They advise to always wash your hands with soap and water just after touching, feeding, caring for a hedgehog or cleaning your habitat.. Adults should supervise handwashing in young children.

Do not kiss and huddle hedgehogs, as this could spread Salmonella germs to your face and mouth and make you sick and do not let hedgehogs roam freely in areas where food is prepared or stored, such as kitchens.

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