High Court rescinds Gregory Afoko's bail


The Accra High Court has overruled the bail awarded to Gregory Afoko, one of the men suspected of conspiring to kill the president of the High Patriot's Region (MPN) of the region. 39, East Superior, Alhaji Adams Mahama, in 2015.

On March 14, 2019, another high court in Accra, presided over by Judge George Buadi, admitted Afoko on bail in the amount of 500,000 Gh with two sureties, one of which was to be justified.

It was after his lawyers had claimed that their client deserved to be released on bail, as the state was not ready to sue him.

The lawyers based their argument on an anonymous petition filed by the Attorney General on January 28, 2019 to end the trial of Afoko after more than three years of trial.

After the arrest of Asabke Alangdi, the A-G filed suit for non-suit, the other person who allegedly plotted with Afoko to commit the alleged murder.

Deposit canceled

However, at a hearing on Monday, another High Court presided over by Judge Merley Afua Wood, Judge at the Court of Appeal sitting as an additional judge of the Superior Court, rescinded the bail given to Afoko .

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Judge Wood's court is the court where a new Afoko trial and another Alangdi began.

The court quashed the bond after confirming the arguments of the prosecutor, Ms. Marina Appiah Opare, Chief Attorney General.

Ms. Opare stated that the circumstances in which Afoko was released on bail had changed.

According to her, the other High Court granted bail to Afoko on the grounds that the state was unsure of when to start the prosecution.

She argued that the state had completed the incarceration process and started the trial promptly after filing the nolle prosequi.

She further argued that, given the nature of the case and the sentence provided for, it was likely that Afoko would not appear in court to be tried if the bail did not arise. was not canceled.

Judge Wood agreed with the prosecutor, rescinded the bond and adjourned the proceedings until 17 July.

Juries should be hired that day.


Alhaji Mahama was seriously injured after an allegedly acidic substance was allegedly dumped in front of his home in Bolgatanga on May 20, 2015.

He died later from his injuries at the Bolgatanga General Hospital.

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