"Highlights" of Professor Avoke's recent press conference


Thoughtful Ghanaians are not surprised at the dismissal of Professor Avoke as Vice Chancellor (VC) of the University of Education (UEW) by the board of directors.

For example, Professor Avoke:
1. Abominably failed to transform the department of business education of the time into a faculty for the entire period in which it had mistakenly been taken as VC of the STE (22 months). It took the rev. Afful-Broni, less than two months to accomplish this task!

2. Could not recruit a single lecturer for the Business Education Department throughout his term. In less than 22 months, the current VC, the Reverend. Professor Afful-Broni has recruited no less than 10 additional speakers for the Business School!

3. Presided with nausea on the worst WiFi service at STE. In less than 22 months, WiFi is now available not only in most auditoriums and offices, but also in student residences. Thanks to the Reverend's visionary leadership p. Teacher. Afful-Broni!

4. Staff promotions were delayed by an average of 3 years under Professor Avoke's dreadful administration. However, under the proactive leadership of Rev. Afful-Broni, promotions can be made in less than 6 months. Dr. Harrison Golo, Cletus Ngaaso, etc., are living testimonials! I suspect that these 2 gentlemen will be at the press conference to corroborate this.

5. Grotesque failure to ensure the well-being of staff. The price of housing provided by the university was higher than the market rent, so most of the UEW staff did not want to occupy a university bungalow or apartment. The entire rent paid by the government to deserving staff was "swallowed up" by Professor Avoke and his finance officer, and an additional rent deduction was taken from the remaining basic salary of the staff concerned.

Under the rev. Professor Afful-Broni, most of the employees who live in university housing, now pay less than 200 GHS per month as rent, net of rent allowance.

For example, during Professor Avoke's term as VC, not a single business school lecturer lived on the property of STE. However, at present, no less than 10 professors of the Business School live comfortably in academic institutions. May God continue to bless the Rev. Teacher. Afful-Broni abundantly!

7. More than 90% of staff applications are now settled in less than two months, unlike the vile reign of Professor Avoke, where most requests took up to eight months to be honored.

The request for compensation from the Business School for the end of the first semester (2018/19) was submitted in January 2019 and settled in February 2019 (less than 2 months) !!

The reason for the deliberate delay in the payment of claims during Professor Avoke's tenure was that his chief financial officer privately invested in substantially all of the UEW's funds to generate interest before making any payments. payment.

8. Has failed apocalyptically to help the people of Effutu by helping the community to develop through corporate social responsibility initiatives.

In the past six months alone, the Reverend's administration p. Professor Afful-Broni donated 50,000 GHS to the Effutu Municipal Assembly. Donations were also made to the municipal police service, the fire department, the prison service, and so on.

9. Failure to dramatically improve street lighting on all UEW campuses.

The administration of Rev. Professor Afful-Broni installed solar-powered streetlights on all campuses. This has greatly improved security and minimized the wave of theft on UEW campuses.

10. Failed in a scandalous manner to accord equal treatment to the members of the convocation at graduation ceremonies and other important gatherings. During Professor Avoke's putrid tenure as STE's VC, only the "well-connected" were allowed to sit down worthily for a meal after most ceremonies.

However, under the visionary and thoughtful guidance of Rev. Professor Afful-Broni, all the members of the convocation will sit at the Pension Board and eat and drink as much as possible.

These are just some of the achievements of Rev. Professor Afful-Broni in less than 22 months as a VC of STE! Professor Avoke could not accomplish one of the above exploits in 22 months.

No wonder Professor Mawutor Avoke was fired as VC of STE!

No matter how ugly the media does or the number of media houses bought, rented, or hired to sing Professor Avoke's non-existent praises, he NEVER comes back to STE's VC post, Insha Allah !! Anyone who has accepted a bribe from Professor Avoke and promised to return to work is the biggest scammer of the century! It will not happen! Insha Allah !!

Compiled by an unrepentant supporter of the Reverend Father's progressive policies. Professor Afful-Broni (to use the words of the title man, Ahmed Jinapor, all protocols are observed).

The above is among the most reasonable problems that Ghanaians expect from the Vice Chancellor of the Winneba Education University, Prof. Mawutor Avoke, who was removed from office, to recognize and honor the Reverend p. Teacher. Afful-Broni, and confirm his own incompetence!

Alhbadan Salifu Bawah
(son of a right peasant)

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