Household dust can influence the size of children


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Endocrine-disrupting chemicals in dust may contribute to greater growth of children in relation to their age, scientists said at the Endocrine Society's annual meeting.

During the meeting held in New Orleans, USA, experts pointed out that these substances promote the development of fat cells in a cellular model.

According to the study leader, Christopher Kbadotis, "this is one of the first surveys to badess the links between exposure to chemical mixtures found in the environment. and the metabolic health of children living there. "

The experts collected 194 household dust samples from various homes in central North Carolina, extracted the chemicals from the laboratory dust, and badyzed their ability to promote fat cell development in a cell model.

We found that two-thirds of the dust extracts could stimulate the development of fat cells and that half of them favored the proliferation of fat precursor cells up to 100 micrograms, about 1000-fold levels. inferior to those of children, "said Kbadotis.

Data from the Environmental Protection Agency estimate that children ingest between 60 and 100 milligrams of dust per day.

The team of researchers measured more than 100 different chemicals and discovered that about 70 of them had a significant positive relationship with the development of fat-induced fat cells, and about 40 were related to the development of precursor fat cells.

These findings suggest that mixtures of chemicals produced in the indoor environment may be at the origin of overweight or obesity in children, "said Kbadotis.

Some of these chemicals are found in common household products, such as laundry detergents, household cleaners, paints and cosmetics; Scientists are pursuing studies to determine which ones might be related to obesity. (PL)

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