How Aliko Dangote once withdrew $ 10 million worth of money just to be sure he was rich (VIDEO)


Aliko Dangote, the richest man in Africa, revealed Saturday that he had already withdrawn $ 10 million just to watch it and prove himself that he was really rich..

he said this during the week-end of Mo Ibrahim's governance in Abidjan, while he was discussing with his moderator, Mo Ibrahim.

In the video, which was shared on YouTube by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, Dangote said, "Like this, when you start business, your goal is to make your first million. Well, I did that.

"After about a year, I realized that I had a lot more, and I said ok, well, all these numbers are just written numbers.

"One day I went to a bank and at that time there was no restriction, I wrote a check and cashed $ 10 million from the bank and I had put in the trunk of my vehicle. I went home and I opened it I looked at 10 million dollars and I said "now I think I have money". "

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He added that he had returned the money to the bank the next day.

Aliko Dangote reveals that he has already withdrawn $ 10 million just to review it.

– Information Zone on Africa (@AfricaFactsZone) April 6, 2019

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