How could coconut oil be the miracle cure for hay fever for which you are desperate?


If you run out of petrolatum and the antihistamines are no longer doing their job, do not despair.

Just go to your kitchen and take a piece of coconut oil instead.

    Coconut oil could be the natural cure that you have been looking for all your life


Coconut oil could be the natural cure that you have been looking for all your lifeCredit: Getty – Contributor

At least, it's the advice of allergy experts, A Vogel.

Coconut oil could be more commonly used for cooking and hydrating the body, but it could also seemingly help relieve the symptoms of hay fever.

Spraying a little coconut oil on the nostrils may actually help trap the pollen before breathing it.

"It's a great way to find out if you're going to walk near green spaces, but you can also apply barrier balm before bedtime to help reduce night and morning symptoms," say the experts. .

Here are some other tips to protect you from hay fever:

1. Ditch the dairy

Dairy products can aggravate allergies, so it may be helpful to choose herbal alternatives.

Marcelle Rose, nutrition therapist, explains: "Dairy products like milk and cheese stimulate the body's production of mucus, which further aggravates the stuffy nose or ears.

"The ripened cheeses also tend to contain high levels of histamine.

"And sugar, which pushes your body to produce more histamine, can further aggravate your symptoms.

The three most common substances that people react badly – milk, pollen and wheat – were all at the origin of the grbad products.

It may well be that hay fever sufferers are actually sensitive to the proteins common to all that is related to the grbad.

2. Reduce your sugar consumption

Sugar is a natural inflammatory.

When you eat sugar, you get a tinge of blood sugar that is followed shortly by an accident.

This accident can cause a sudden release of epinephrine and histamine, which can aggravate your symptoms.

So, avoid sugary soft drinks and sweets.

If you want something sweet, try fruits or snacks that have some added benefits, such as dates (very sweet but full of fiber and vitamins) or energy balls and refined flapjacks without sugar.

3. Get more vitamin C

Oranges and lemons are so, so good for you.

Dr. Sarah Brewer has already told the Sun: "Citrus fruits contain antioxidant polyphenols and vitamin C that protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals."

In addition to helping fight wrinkles, heart disease, cholesterol and potentially cancer, citrus fruits can also help alleviate the symptoms of hay fever.

4. Use a cold compress

The itchy eyes are the worst.

For a quick release, try soaking a clean flannel in cold water and place it on your eyes for ten minutes to reduce puffiness and calm irritation.

Go in the morning, then when you arrive from work and again before bedtime.


How to sleep with a fan makes the hay fever worse, warn experts

5. Wear glbades on contacts

When allergens come in contact with your lenses, natural substances are excessively produced in your tears.

As a result, your contact lenses can become very fuzzy. By referring to the daily number of pollen, you will know if allergens are present. You can also ask an optician eye drops that will reduce the symptoms, so that your contact lenses will stay cleaner longer.

And of course, you can inadvertently trap small pieces of pollen between your eye and the contact, which means you can not escape the irritant.

Use daily contact lenses to reduce the risk of contamination or wear your glbades instead.

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