How does Bitcoin compare to VISA, MasterCard and Paypal?


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How does Bitcoin compare to VISA, MasterCard and Paypal?

How bitcoin-battery against visa-mastercard-and-paypal

While the bitcoin races of 2017 and 2018 have seen the vast majority of cryptocurrency users focus on price, other statistics on the popularity and use of the Bitcoin network have been less studied.

However, DataLight's data reveals some interesting features of Bitcoin compared to payment processing networks par excellence – VISA, MasterCard and PayPal.

Network transactions per second

In terms of per-second transactions, it is clear that Bitcoin is considerably behind other platforms in terms of bandwidth capacity, with 7 transactions per second reduced to those of VISA and MasterCard.

Datalight btc visa 1.png

Annual transactions

As noted below, between 2017 and 2018, while the other platforms experienced significant growth in the number of annual transactions, Bitcoin experienced a significant decline, probably due to the downward crypto market as a result the frenzy of trading and buying end of 2017.

datalight visa btc 2.png

While it's clear that Bitcoin still has some way to go – with the Lightning Network in a position to improve these numbers – it's important to see where the network stands today, as it progresses. and as the network of the future is built.

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