How Drugs Turned a Rich Ghanaian Rich into a Broken and Miserable Man | Social


Paa Joe Donkor, a 75-year-old former drug lord who has been practicing drugs for 26 years, revealed that drugs only make poor people poor and miserable reprimanding young people for abandoning and saving their lives. life to become the kind of person that it is today.

The once fabulously wealthy man who is now a poor man says that addiction is the worst thing that can happen to anyone to add that heartbreaks do not come close.

He explained that when he became addicted, he was not afraid of selling his expensive peanuts just to buy drugs to satisfy his happiness.

According to him, when drug addicts run out of stock, they can easily burst into nearby cars to steal money just to buy drugs, adding that they will never be able to be good until they are safe. they will not have sniffed cocaine.

He recalled that all his social activities had come to an abrupt end when he became addicted, adding that he feared that side effects would occur when he attended a funeral away from home.

In an interview with SVTV watched by, he said: "Believe me, never go, do not let anyone deceive you in cocaine, while you will have 100 million dollars in the next four hours broken, because it is going to be finished.After you start taking this medicine, something that they call Cortactin in less than a month, you develop an addiction.For this you can not To survive, your social life, your physical life cease, you can not even travel.For a long time, I have never traveled nor badisted at the funeral, I will have cortactin that will give me cramps. When I will not have more stock.

Donkor, who travels around the world with women on business clbad flights, said women and friends will disappear when he runs out of money.

The former drug lord pointed out that drugs would make society despised by the family of drug addicts, claiming that the friends he used to feed were fleeing.

He said he had been with the best women who talked about women with guitar shapes and tangible lips, but all that flashy lifestyle did not stop him anywhere and turned a miserable old man into debate before eating.

Paa Donkor advised young people not to be abused by drugs, claiming that one could abuse his $ 100 million worth of drugs in less than four hours.

"I beg young people never to make the mistake I made, I took women to Switzerland, I slept in hotels where I was paying 500,000 dollars a day, I took women to Venice, it's heaven on earth, because I wanted to impress them but at the end of the day, they disappeared. I wore the best costumes made by Italian tailors, but I am now humiliated because of drugs, "he advised.

He called on society not to run away from drug addicts but to bring them closer and reform them to become better people, adding that he had already attempted suicide twice because he could not bear the humiliation.

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