How Far From Home Cameo Changes Spider-Man's Future


Spider-Man was one of the last heroes of the MCU to keep a secret identity. Even in the absence of Iron Man, Captain America and Black Widow, the identities of Black Panther, Ant-Man, Strange Doctor, Scarlet Witch and presumably Captain Marvel are all public records. While the challenges of deception to maintain a secret identity have been at the root of so many stories of superheroes, especially Spider-Man, superhero movies are largely moving away from this trope, which has allowed for more original stories and honest interactions between their villains and their romantic interests. Looking at the current state of superhero movies and their evolution over the last decade, one must ask: are the ages of secret identities gone?

Since Superman debuted in Action Comics No. 1 in 1938, secret identities are an integral part of the superhero's formula. Powers and personalities may differ from one hero to another, but many of the questions have remained the same, even when they have been explored through different scenarios. How can this character save the world while maintaining a private life in which he can keep a job and relationships that do not endanger everyone he knows? This is obviously a formula that worked. And over the decades, creators have found many ways to play with secret identities in the form of false revelations, body lining, and psychic dodging.

As big as a comic event has become, the identity of a superhero made public has never been long. While some characters have been selected to be gifted or cursed with the knowledge of a secret identity, a pervasive revelation creates lasting changes for the character who puts writers in cartons and tends to alienate some fans who adhere to traditionalism . While the industry may be content with just a few extra boxes to unveil new narrative tips and a level of alienation that wipes out control, it just can not stand long. Take Spider-Man as an excellent example of this. Beyond the identity struggles of the Marvel comics Civil war (2006), Spider-Man dealt with Aunt May not knowing, knowing, not coming back. Mary Jane knew about it, and then no, and now, and the same goes for J. Jonah Jameson. Models are developing with respect to secret identities, and in the world of constant reluctance that are superhero comics, we accept it because we know it will happen too. But in cinema, the secret identities are a little outdated, especially because the film modernizes these characters for the contemporary public much faster than comics.

Like his comic book counterpart, Clark Kent (Christopher Reeve) set a precedent for the treatment of secret identities in superhero movies Superman (1978). This performance, in which Kent struggled forever between his role as hero and his love for Lois Lane (Margot Kidder), became the foundation of the first wave of 21st superhero movies of the century. Of Spider Man (2002) to Ghost Rider (2007), the struggle to maintain a secret identity, not only of the world but of loved ones became so common that it began to become boring. While Tim Burton separated from Donner's Superman format with Batman (1989), neither Vicki Vale (Kim Basinger) nor The Joker (Jack Nicholson) came back in the suites to give us an idea of ​​how the consequences of their knowledge that Bruce Wayne (Michael Keaton) would be Batman would play . Same for Selina Kyle (Michelle Pfeiffer) and Max Shreck (Christopher Walken) in Batman Returns (1992). At the moment we had to Superman Returns (2006), in which Lois Lane had a child with Superman but still did not know he was Clark Kent, the secret identity deal was becoming a joke. If superhero fatigue should be caused by anything, it would be the continuous dance of "will he tell him?" / Will she be aware of it?

When Marvel Studios started its saga 11 years ago, its first entry ended with the remark that these superhero stories would not be the same as the ones we used to see. Iron Man wasted no time protecting his identity as Rhodey (Terrence Howard), Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow), or even his opponent Obidiah Stane (Jeff Bridges). These were all intelligent characters and the movie left them clever. The same year we were teased with Batman revealing his identity in The black Knight (2008), Iron Man acted, proving that these stories do not need to rely on the same tricks. What followed was the constant unmasking of the superhero. Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) told Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) that he was Spider-Man halfway through the movie The amazing spider-man (2012). The fact that Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) is Batman is not known to the general public The black knight gets up (2012). And in Steel man (2013), Lois Lane (Amy Adams) deduces that Clark Kent (Henry Cavill) is Superman even before taking this name.

If we are supposed to buy superheroes working in the context of our real world, suspend or not disbelief, movies also represent a world in which satellites, smart phones and the Internet can unveil all the secrets, being given time. As easy as it was for Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) to discover Superman's identity in Batman v Superman: The Dawn of Justice (2016), Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) just as easily discovered that Wayne was Batman. A more recent example of real-world technology with implications for the fantasy of secret identities is Mr. Night Shyamalan. Glbad. David Dunn (Bruce Willis) has no chance to keep his identity of The Overseer secret, not only because of a dark secret organization, but also because of the cameras everywhere. It became so easy for the heroes to be unmasked in these films that we began to see entries escaping the secret identity aspect. In Aquaman (2018), the whole world knows that Arthur Curry is the submarine hero, even going so far as to take pictures with him in a bar. Shazam! (2019) can take a more conventional approach to secret identities, but even in the end, Billy Batson's (Asher Angel) adoptive siblings know that he is Shazam (Zachary Levi) and have powers that are theirs. are clean. In the current wave of superhero movies, filmmakers have come to understand that it was far more fun to see what happened when the characters were aware of it than to apologize why they did not do it. not.

The loss of his secret identity by Spider-Man is a major shift in the world of comic books, because our knowledge of the character is largely based on stories in which he must live two separate lives. But this revelation is also just the logical next step in a series of events in which superhero films are prepared. Without the brick of secret identities, superhero movies are allowed to be less formulated and to explore the new consequences of how a public figure affects heroes in different ways. Tony Stark was equipped, both in terms of maturity and finances, to go out publicly. His work and heroism became one and the same. While Parker has always been a character with other interests, someone who could have a job apart from being a hero, and the loss of it for a 16 year old man is a change of life. If the superhero comic book mythology still has a sacred quality for secret identities, the superhero movies in which the masks come off may have more meaning for contemporary society in a world where the truth has been obscured and necessary.

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