How long does it take for the pill to work?


If you take the pill to prevent pregnancy, it's important to know how long your birth control will become effective. Until everything is clear, you will need to use a backup method of contraception, such as a condom.

The exact time varies depending on the type of pill and the state of your cycle when you started taking it. "Progestin-only pills contain the progestin hormone, which thickens the cervical mucus, which makes the sperm's ability to reach an almost impossible ovum." Progestin-only pills can also prevent ovulation, "Savita Ginde , vice-president of medical affairs at Stride Community Health Center and former chief physician for family planning in the Rocky Mountains, told POPSUGAR. If you take a progestin-only pill within five days of the start of your period, it will give you immediate protection. Beyond five days, it will take 48 hours.

Combined pills require a little more attention because they contain two hormones that prevent ovulation: a progestin and estrogen. Like progestin-only pills, you will be protected immediately if you start taking a combined pill within five days of the start of your period. Dr. Ginde explained. But if you start taking a combined pill at another point in your cycle, it will take seven full days to become fully effective.

Remember that each body is different, so there are exceptions. "Pills are synthetic hormones that interact with our natural hormones to manipulate the body's ability to become pregnant," Dr. Ginde said. These rules are based on starting at a specific time in a typical 28-day menstrual cycle – but not all women have consistent cycles. If your periods are irregular, you will need to take extra precautions: "For example, women taking the progestin-only pill with a cycle of less than 23 days should never badume that the pill will have an immediate effect and should wait 48 hours," says -she. It all sounds a bit complicated, but it boils down to this: for added security, Dr. Ginde recommends using a backup method for the first 48 hours when you take progestin-only pills and for a full week with combined pills.

Finally, even if you have a typical 28-day menstrual cycle, certain medical conditions can affect the time it takes for birth control to become effective, especially digestive disorders such as Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome. "In case of severe diarrhea or vomiting, our body's ability to absorb all oral medications is limited, including the pill," Dr. Ginde said. If you have a chronic health problem, ask your health care provider if you should use another form of birth control to ensure the greatest possible protection.

Source of picture: POPSUGAR Photography / Nina Brewster

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