How the relationship between Prince Harry and Prince William changed after Meghan Markle


Rumors of a Prince Harry and a Prince William feud showed no sign of impending end and, if we believe a new report, things may never be the same for the brothers. A royal expert explained that part of the tension on their relationship came when Meghan Markle came on the scene.

Prince William, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry at the Church on Christmas Day
Prince William, Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry | Samir Hussein / Samir Hussein / WireImage

Did the brothers quarrel start over Meghan Markle?

Last year, it was reported that the fracture between Harry and William had begun the previous Christmas, when Prince Harry had felt that Wiliam had not done enough to include Meghan in the family.

A source told the Vanity Fair's Royal Reporter, Katie Nicholl, author of Harry and Meghan: life, loss and love"Harry felt that William was not sending the red carpet to Meghan and told him." The insider added, "They quarreled, which was solved only when Charles stepped in and asked William to make an effort.That's when the Cambridges invited the Susbad to spend Christmas with them. "

Will Prince Harry and Prince William end?

Prince Harry and Prince William may have settled this dispute, but Nicholl recently told Cosmopolitan that their relationship has "definitely" changed.

Nicholl explained, "There was clearly tension, and I think things are getting better now." She added, "I do not know if things are going to be like William and Harry."

Nicholl continued: "The truth, as I have said two very good sources knowing the boys for a long time, is that for the first time, their relationship was really bogged down … there was a lot of tension between them. "

Was William responsible for the tension?

Although families often have tragedies from time to time, Nicholl noted that it was William who had unleashed the tension because she had declared that he "had recommended caution with fraternity" when Prince Harry and Markle started to become serious.

Although William was looking for his brother, Harry would not have been as receptive to to receiveAs Nicholl said, the board had "not at all pleased Harry, who felt that his brother was not behind him."

As a result, their relationship has "definitely" changed,
publicly they seem to be on good terms and even go out together
with their father Prince Charles at a recent event.

The truth about the quarrel between Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle

The media continue to focus on a quarrel between Kate Middleton and Markle, the royal filmmaker Nick Bullen explaining why these types of titles hold the attention. Bullen told Fox News "it's a lot badier to have two duchesses at war."

He added, "Let's have these two super glamorous women – a British, an American. An actress, a kind of English rose. Let's put them against each other … it's the kind of bady media story.

Bullen added that even though the media tended to focus on women, "it's actually that William and Harry have had a flaw." All brothers Fall. All families argue. Their fallout right now is becoming public. He attributes this mainly to "two adult men of about thirty years, founding their own families," who "move to different parts of the country, fulfilling different tasks".

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