How to count macros to lose weight


The macro scheme is different. Instead of telling you what you can not eat, it encourages you to count nutrients to help you make wise food choices for a more flexible approach to the diet. Nothing is considered forbidden, in and of itself you just want to get good foods to get the nutrients you need.

Of course, it's a little more complicated than that. Here is what you need to know.

Okay, what exactly is the macro scheme?

Macros, like macronutrients, are the essential nutrients for your body: carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Each macro plays its own role and has its own superpowers of weight loss.

Macro # 1: Carbohydrates

Repeat after me: carbs are not the enemy, even if you are trying to lose weight. Carbohydrates are the single most important source of energy for almost all human cells, says dietitian Mascha Davis, RDN, spokesman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Your body digests them quickly and turns them into sugar, or blood glucose, which you store in your liver and muscles as glycogen. Together, glycemia and high-intensity glycogen exercises are essential for burning fat and developing muscle, which boosts metabolism.

Carbohydrates are also linked to your neurotransmitter, serotonin (and therefore your mood).

Macro # 2: Proteins

You know that protein intake is used to develop and maintain lean muscle mbad in your body, but it does a lot more than that. Protein is the enzymes that fuel chemical reactions in the body, says Davis. It also produces hemoglobin that carries oxygen through the body. And if the oxygen does not get where it needs to go, you can forget to have the energy to take the stairs, not to mention the food for an hour.

Plus, when it's about increasing your level of satiety to feel full with fewer calories, protein kills. (When you eat protein, your gut produces hormones that slow down the movement of food in your gastrointestinal tract, which means you stay full longer.) By slowing down digestion, proteins also slow down glucose release in your body. blood to prevent blood sugar spikes and insulin that can create health problems, says Alexandra Sowa, MD, a New York-based internal medicine doctor and diplomat with the American Board of Obesity Medicine.

Macro # 3: Fat

If the keto diet has taught us anything, it is that fat does not make you fat, even though fat contains more calories, ounces per ounce, than other macros.

Here's the thing: Fat forms cell membranes, promotes nervous and cerebral health and increases the absorption of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, all essential for healthy weight loss. And while fats do not trigger the same satiety-stimulating hormones as proteins, they are relatively slow to digest, further stabilizing blood sugar and limiting cravings.

Okay, so how do you count these macros?

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How to count macros to lose weight

The macroeconomic objectives of Everyones may vary slightly, but national academies of science, engineering and medicine indicate that adults should try to get 45 to 65% of their calories from carbohydrates, 10 to 35% protein and 20 to 35% calories. of fat. This is a very good guideline to follow.

Btw, how many calories are there in each gram of the three primary macronutrients (you will need this information later):

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How to count macros to lose weight

  • carbohydrates have four calories per gram.
  • Fat has nine calories per gram
  • Protein has four calories per gram.

Since the percentages are difficult, you can use a specific formula to determine the number of grams of carbohydrate, fat and protein you should consume in a diet, based on the number of calories you eat. (For your information: a 1,600-calorie diet Sonya Angelone, Dt.P., spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, is a reasonable base stage for active women trying to lose weight although these calorie goals may not be suitable for everyone.)

  • carbohydrates: Calories per day (1,600) x percentage of calories from carbohydrates (0,50) / Number of calories per gram of carbohydrates (4) = 200 grams of carbohydrates per day
  • Protein: Calories per day (1,600) x percentage of calories from protein (0.20) / Number of calories per gram of protein (4) = 80 grams of protein per day
  • Fat: Calories per day (1,600) x percentage of calories from fat (.30) / Number of calories per gram in fat (9) = 53 grams of fat per day

What are the benefits of the macro regime?

More importantly, it provides a clear roadmap for keeping your nutrition on the topic, says Angelone. Most people need structure to guide their eating habits, she says. Otherwise, people tend to eat what they want when they want it. If you have trouble listening to internal signals, such as when you feel full, it can be helpful, she says.

The diet also requires you to pay more attention to what you put in your mouth. Just paying more attention to what you eat will have an impact on food consumption and will usually result in better choices and fewer calories, Angelone says.

Are there any disadvantages to counting macros to lose weight?

As you probably have already guessed, this diet requires a lot of planning and calculation. Counting the macros is a little heavy, unless you eat the same thing every day, says Angelone. But then your diet becomes monotonous and probably not nutritionally adequate. Nevertheless, she adds, it's easier to follow the diet once you're in control.

Here's what Jillian Michaels thinks about super restrictive diets:

Another possible problem: some people may find themselves a little too focused on their daily macro count, which could eventually lead to some form of food disorder. Your macro goals should serve as guidelines, but you should not feel obligated to reach them every day.

Ok, that interests me. How to start counting macros?

The macro diet may seem a little overwhelming, but you can start quite simply. Angelone recommends starting by keeping a food diary to get an idea of ​​what you eat regularly. Follow and calculate your macros (as per instructions above) and review your food choices to see the changes to make based on these numbers.

Choose less processed foods, whole grains and high-fiber foods, healthy fats, limit refined sugar and drink plenty of water, says Angelone. And be sure to incorporate regular exercise and more physical activity into your day. After that, you should be ready to leave.

The bottom line Counting macros can be a good way to lose weight for those who do not do well with dietary restrictions applied to other diets like keto.

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