How to deal with a migraine while working from home



Migraines are the second most common type of headache
Image Credit: Shutterstock

New Delhi: Migraine is a debilitating neurological disease, consistently ranking among the top 10 causes of years lived with a disability around the world. The main symptom of migraine is a persistent headache, accompanied by symptoms such as severe pain on one side of the head or throbbing pain, sensitivity to light and sound, and nausea. Although it is a very common headache that affects around 15% of the adult population worldwide, it remains poorly understood and the most neglected.

In Delhi, around 25% of the population suffers from migraines every year.

Although migraine is an invisible disease, it can severely affect individuals in personal, professional and social spheres, thus affecting overall quality of life and productivity. Working from home, or the “new normal”, has had a drastic impact on the lives of people with migraines ?? from inability to concentrate at work to missed workdays. It has become even more urgent to ensure that people have the understanding and the tools to effectively manage migraines.

Dr Debashish Chowdhury, Professor and Head of Neurology, GB Pant Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research (GIPMER) and Head, Headache Clinic, GIPMER, New Delhi, said: “There is a lack of understanding among the people of the severity of migraines. In a study we recently conducted, about 50-60% of migraine sufferers went undiagnosed, despite having recurring headaches. Because migraine falls on a spectrum from infrequent or mild to recurrent attacks, many pass it off as “just a headache.” With busy work schedules from home, coupled with fear of contracting COVID-19 infection and difficulty accessing in-person care, people are avoiding seeking medical help for the disease, instead attributing symptoms of associated comorbidities, such as stress or depression. “

He continued, “Financial worries due to job loss or pay cuts also contribute to the worsening of migraine attacks, which is more noticeable recently. The effects of migraine on quality of life are believed to be overwhelming. also worsened, especially for many migraine sufferers working as essential health workers at this stage.

Neglect of symptoms and the inability to treat the condition can lead to chronic migraines. A basic need is to recognize migraine as a serious disease with severe disability and to adopt a holistic treatment approach. Early detection can be a key factor in a smoother patient journey and a better quality of life. “

Here are 5 ways to manage your migraine while working from home:

Identify risk factors and monitor triggers

Migraines can start at any age, but tend to peak during the first productive years. In addition, women are three times more likely to be affected than men, with a peak in prevalence between 25 and 55 years.

Long hours of work from home, along with longer screen times, disrupted sleep schedules, and irregular eating habits can increase stress levels. For migraine sufferers, such changes can become triggers for migraine, exacerbating their condition. Identifying personal triggers can help individuals better manage their migraines.

Make the right choice for your diet and lifestyle

Working from home can be difficult, but a daily routine that optimizes your physical and mental health can help keep your migraine at bay. Eating healthy meals at the appropriate times or consuming small, frequent meals throughout the day are associated with less frequent migraines. Taking regular breaks from work can help you eat well and reduce eye strain from excessive screen use. Making lifestyle changes, including quitting smoking and reducing your alcohol intake, and maintaining optimal sleep patterns and exercising regularly can be essential for managing migraines. These also benefit the prevention and treatment of migraine.

Talk to an expert

It is important to see a specialist doctor when you suffer from severe headaches that disrupt your daily routine. Many migraine sufferers are reluctant to see a doctor. This can be due to several reasons ?? lack of understanding of the severity of migraine, lack of time due to busy home work schedules, or recently, due to a reduction in in-person clinical consultations due to fear of Covid-19 infection . However, seeing a neurologist, even via teleconsultations, is a necessary step in diagnosing your condition and understanding the options available for the acute and chronic management of migraine, including preventative treatment. With evidence-based information on the effects on reducing migraine intensity, quality of life, and ease of use, neurologists can guide you on the most appropriate treatment option to prevent or reduce your episodes of migraine.

Track your migraines

It’s a good idea to keep a journal (or download a migraine tracker app) to record the time and severity of your migraine attacks, your symptoms, your daily diet, your exercise programs, your drugs and their side effects. This can help identify triggers and patterns. It can also spark meaningful conversations with your doctor, contributing to a more holistic treatment plan, personalized to your work schedule.

Seek support from your family, friends or colleagues

Living with migraines can cause feelings of helplessness, helplessness, and incomprehension. But talking to your friends and family will help them understand your condition better. Having an open conversation about your migraine with your employer is a good idea, especially for setting a schedule, with specific routine adjustments to mitigate triggers. It can help you be productive and healthy while working from home. Employers can also take the initiative ?? organize wellness programs for employees to educate them about migraines and how to manage them effectively at work and improve productivity.

Migraine attacks can be difficult. Changes in your daily routine and active communication about your condition with your employer, after seeing a neurologist, can help you better manage migraines when working from home.

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