How to erase your smartphone and your PC – News Digital: Services and applications


A successful Japanese author has managed to turn an unpleasant daily life into an act of spiritual self-liberation: Marie Kondo explains to the world how to tame the whiff of the house, get rid of its old objects and judiciously organize the remaining material goods.

Of course, we will not transfer their principles one by one to the digital world: on the one hand, because it is not possible. And on the other hand, because we do not want to be prosecuted. But we still have five tips to bring order to the digital world and maintain significant minimalism. They help focus on the essentials and have fun at work.

Eliminate distractions

Start by tidying up the desk and eliminating anything that distracts you. Second: Organize the program windows so you can focus optimally.

Third, clean the mailbox properly. Fourth, replace complicated and cluttered programs with easy-to-use and convenient applications. Our tips are Typora and Drafts.

And fifth, ask yourself if you can radically clean and simplify your equipment fleet – focusing on a minimalist style of work will definitely help you tidy up.

Previous videos that match the theme are so Windows is fast again: the clbadic spring cleaning, transferred to the operating system. In article Thanks to these tips, Windows runs quickly and stably, you will learn how to uninstall programs and to make sure that it happens completely. And Ignite Turbo Program, you will learn how to effectively manage programs and documents.

And if you run out of memory on your PC, Mac or smartphone, this article will help you save space – because nothing happens without free space. (

Created: 25.03.2019, 15:40 pm

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