How to make your feet stop getting itchy at night


According to Brian S. Kim, MD, co-director of the Center for the Itch Study at the Washington University School of Medicine, there are some common badumptions about this, which are probably not correct. A clbadic is that people are less distracted at night and suddenly get itchy. I do not think it's that simple, says Dr. Kim.

But the most complicated answer is not yet clear, but a more recent theory is that nighttime itching may be the result of end-of-day circadian rhythm changes, says Dr. Kim. At night, your anti-inflammatory chemicals are lower, which could regulate the sensitivity of the itching. You can get a cleaner type of signal after itching at night, he says.

From the point of view of evolution, it might have served well. I'm really speculating, but if you do not move at all at night, you might be more susceptible to mite infestations or even mosquito bites, says Dr. Kim.

What makes your feet sting?

Ask why people have foot pain and dermatologists take a deep breath because there can be a very large number of drivers. Some simple, others not so much. Causes may include:

Athlete's foot.

When a patient comes in and complains of itchy feet, the first thing a dermatologist does is to look between the toes to see if there is redness, cracking, peeling or peeling, says Dr. Shawn Kwatra, Assistant Professor of Dermatology at the Johns Hopkins Clinic. . These often indicate the athlete's foot, and remedies include keeping your feet dry and using an over-the-counter antifungal product.

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Itching caused by foot fungi on the grbad in the park.

Dry skin.

As you age, you have less ability to retain water in the outer layer of the skin, says Dr. Kwatra. On top of that, since you walk all day, they can be thick and dry, anyway. Which adds to an extra itch on your feet. Help him stop by applying a moisturizer – the kind that comes in a jar – on your feet at night. The cream is more moisturizing than the lotion, says Dr. Kwatra. The more it is sticky, the more it is moisturizing.

Skin problems, including eczema and psoriasis.

These usually cause itching in the rest of the body and prevent the feet from feeling it.

Other medical problems.

Nerve damage caused by uncontrolled diabetes can cause itching in the feet, just like liver disease. According to Dr. Kwatra, itching on the body can sometimes suggest an underlying disease. Most of the time, itching that suggests an underlying disease will not just be in your feet. Take this into context with the rest of your health, he says. In other words, all itchy feet will not be a sign of a problem as serious as this one, but if you itchy feet are a constant and long-standing problem, have your feet itchy. point of view, says Dr. Kwatra.

Systems that we have not even understood yet.

The itching may be the result of several system failures, says Dr. Kim. The itching may not be a symptom, there may be several forms of itching. The itch is almost a field of medicine on itself, he says. And only the surface has been scratched, so to speak.

How to stop stinging feet at night

The toolbox is quite simple:

  • Use a moisturizer. If your feet are very dry, use extra-resistant creams.
  • Consider a product with menthol. The cooling sensation that you get with menthol can help alleviate the itchy feeling by confusing the nerves that transmit the itch signal.
  • Manage your stress. There is probably a cycle of itching / stress when things really get worse can trigger a lot of anxiety and stress, and it is likely that it will trigger more itching. Even at a more casual level of itching, stress probably plays a role as well. Many patients ask me, did my stress cause this? said Dr. Kim. My answer is that I do not think so, but it only makes things worse.

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