How to meditate | MNN


Do you feel scattered? Stressed and overwhelmed? Depressed? It's time to calm down. Here are some tips on how to meditate and the benefits of daily meditation.

Warning: Your life could change if you start meditating. Finally, you can:

  • Develop an appreciation of the mundane daily tasks that bother you and keep you happy.

  • Do not be bombarded by the "monkey spirit" that constantly speaks and lives in your brain.
  • Lower your blood pressure maybe you can stop taking your medicine.
  • Recognize the illusion of problems that your mind loses control; learn to see the hilarity of everyday dramas.
  • Attract more positivity in your life. A study done in 2019 reveals that when you meditate, you reduce negative emotions not only in yourself, but also in the people around you.

You must believe!

You can not stand still for an hour if you are in a position that makes you feel tired for more than a minute? Do not let this deter you from trying meditation. You do not have to be like Buddha and sit perfectly in a "lotus posture" with your ankles in the holes of your hips. You can sit on a chair or even lie on your back and look at the ceiling or the sky.

Meditation does not have to be an impossible spiritual pursuit that requires absolute calm.

You can try to move meditations like tai chi or qigong. Yoga clbades can be meditative.

Some people even meditate while walking. They focus on each step and try not to be distracted by their own thoughts.

Instead, the focus is on the setting, which can be anywhere quiet (even if it's the garage or the laundry room). All that is calm and of natural beauty is a bonus.

Go for a walk and "be in the present", paying particular attention to rustling leaves of a tree or a flock of birds flying above you. While walking, also focus on the dynamic rhythms of breathing, with the belly and ribs expanding on the inspiration and deflations of exhalations.

Whatever your decision, your first step – but a very important step on the road to a calmer spirit and a less stressful life – is to determine that you are ready for a change in your life.

Try to say, "I'm trying to bring peace to my life," but do not say it reluctantly. You really need to feel that you will be able to focus on the positive and calm the mind.

If you are meditating because you have heard Dr. Phil say it is good, but you have doubts about its usefulness, you have already prepared yourself for failing to bring about a powerful and uplifting change in your life .

How long do I have to meditate?

silhouette of man and woman meditating
When you meditate, you also increase the well-being of those around you. (Photo: Aleksandra Belinskaya / Shutterstock)

If you are new to meditation, try one to two minutes first and notice how difficult it is to not let your thoughts take over. Do not forget that the goal of mediation is to focus on your breathing. You can also focus on a simple phrase you want to draw into your life – peace, wealth, well-being.

It's good if you have thoughts that slip into it; Do not give up at first. In fact, it is unlikely that you will become a spiritual master and that you will transport your mind to another dimension. So, when you notice that your mind is focused on your thoughts, think of them as pbading clouds.

Recognize the fact that you think instead of meditating. Bring back to your breath and your sentence / mantra. Try to watch a candle flame. This will really forget your mind. (Do not forget to look at campfires? How meditative!)

It will not be easy, but it will be worth it

Very few people who try, for example, guitar or surf for the first time, are good at it. It will be the same with mediation. Do not abandon. Finally, try to meditate at least once in the morning and in the evening for at least 10 minutes. Hold on to it and you will deeply draw more peace into your life.

Judd Handler is a lifestyle coach and health writer who has been meditating, playing guitar and surfing for more than a decade.

Editor's Note: This file has been updated with new information since its publication in March 2011.

How to meditate

Tips for people who have never tried daily meditation, or those who never think they can rest easy.

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