How to prevent and treat balls that sag


One of the harsh realities of aging is that parts of the body begin to sag. With all the common spaces, like the chin or eyelids, most men will notice that their balls start to sit a little lower than in their youth. In most cases, this is completely normal, says Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt, MD and urologist at Orlando Health.

So, what causes the sagging of your balls?

Let's talk about why your testicles hang from your body in the first place: "They [testicles] Brahmbhatt said that we like to be a little cooler than the rest of your body because it's the ideal temperature Men's health. The scrotal lax skin allows your balls to hang lower, away from your body, when your internal temperature increases, as after the sport. When you are in a cold room, the testicles tighten closer to your body to warm you up.

With age, the skin loses collagen, which causes the dermis to become thin and elastic. This leads to sagging skin, which can impact your bads, too. There is no magic age where these changes begin to occur, but Brahmbhatt says that most of his patients begin to notice a difference at the age of 60 or 70 years.

What is normal and when are the broken balls a problem?

Of course, some subsidence occurs naturally and there is no "normal" length.

"I do not think anyone has ever done a study to measure the degree of subsidence in the average throughout America," Brahmbhatt said.

Generally, low testes are not a problem unless it affects your quality of life. Excessive sagging can make it difficult to find clothes, sleep or even go to the bathroom, he says.

"This stretching can eventually cause pain," he says.

However, the testicles can sometimes appear to be sagging because of medical problems. Inguinal hernias, which occur when the tissues enter the abdominal muscles, can make the balls healthier. So can cysts. If things go wrong, go check.

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How can I prevent low balls?

Brahmbhatt advises you to follow the basic principles to maintain healthy skin. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, this involves not smoking, avoiding sun exposure, limiting alcohol consumption and maintaining a healthy weight.

Some research indicates that diets high in sugar can accelerate aging, according to an article published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology.

How do you treat sagging testicles?

You may have heard that some exercises can prevent sagging balls. Or that masturbating less can keep the balls gay. Brahmbhatt does not say either. And before you turn to Google for all kinds of lotions and potions, no medicine or cream works.

In fact, there is only one proven treatment: scrotoplasty. "Basically, we remove the extra skin and try to tighten it," says Brahmbhatt. However, this is normally done only when sagging skin affects the quality of life of a man.

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