How to reduce the inflammation of the prostate


The inflamed prostate or
prostatitis is a very common condition in men over 40, this condition
which generates troublesome symptoms must be diagnosed and treated by a urologist,
which will determine whether there is bacterial or chronic prostatitis. Diet changes,
some changes in daily habits and taking some home remedies, may help
reduce inflammation of the prostate and improve the quality of life of

Diet to reduce inflammation of the prostate

Inflamed prostatic hypertrophy is a
condition that must be diagnosed and treated by a urologist because the cause
of this condition must be determined to find the ideal treatment. in addition
medical recommendations that must be followed to the letter, there is
some changes in daily habits that it's important to carry out to promote the
reduction of prostatitis.

The first step in the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia is to take
a high-fiber diet to improve intestinal transit and avoid
constipation, a condition that can increase symptoms and discomfort
patients with inflammation of the prostate. Fruits, vegetables and cereals are essential
to achieve this and must be consumed daily while avoiding ingredients rich in
fat that can hinder digestion.

Prohibited foods for the prostate

To deflate the prostate or improve
the symptoms of this condition, it is very important to avoid all these foods
that irritate the bladder and increase discomfort. That's why it is recommended
to consume with moderation:

  • Citrus fruits
  • L & # 39; spice
  • Spices
  • L & # 39; alcohol
  • Stimulating drinks such as coffee or tea

Abuse of these ingredients can
increase discomfort in the patient with prostatitis.

The importance of drinking water for the prostate

Consume at least two liters of
watering daily is important to increase the frequency of urination and prevent
bacteria to accumulate in the bladder, however, it is necessary to do
little by little and throughout the day because they ingest large amounts of liquid
in an instant, it can also be annoying.

In the same way, it is also
important of the way we drink, in addition to not drinking at once, it's also
important to do it in a glbad and not in the sips. That is, what should be done is
drink from time to time a whole basin of water. In turn, you should urinate
whenever you feel desires and do not hold back desire, as this could increase the
symptoms of this condition because it would increase bacterial activity in
the bladder in addition to facilitating the inflammation of the prostate.

Water baths for inflamed prostate

A simple and very effective
solution to reduce the inflammation of the prostate is to enjoy a hot bath of 20
minutes a day, if possible even three times a day. If you do not have a bathtub
at home, you can take a shower and apply heat to the testicular area because
the hot temperature will help reduce inflammation in the area and reduce
discomfort when urinating.

Natural remedies for the big prostate

There are two nutrients that it is
important to add to your diet to reduce the inflammation of the prostate and
improve the symptoms. The first treatment of BPH is zinc
that helps strengthen the immune system and fight infections and
bacteria, this mineral is present in various foods such as molluscs, pumpkins
seeds or red meat, which you should consume preferably lean.

It is also convenient to add to
your diet rich in beta-carotene, this substance that provides an intense
let cool with ingredients such as carrots or pumpkin. Thanks to his vitamin A
In terms of content, these foods strengthen the immune system and improve our health.

Garlic for the prostate

Garlic is a real natural remedy, a
excellent bactericide and food that acts as an antibiotic. All this makes it a
excellent home remedy for the prostate when it is due to bacterial growth or
infections. To all this, we must add the fact that it is a diuretic product, so
it will help flush fluids, which will prevent the feeling that the
the bladder has not been completely emptied.

To get all the benefits of
Garlic, it is recommended to eat a raw tooth fast accompanied by a
glbad of cold water. In doing so, you can also enjoy all the benefits
raw garlic on an empty stomach.

This article is purely informative
how we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatment or to do
any type of diagnosis. We invite you to consult a doctor in case of presentation
any type of condition or discomfort.

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