How to solve a stiff neck


Your daily routine can be tough on your neck. And your neck has a hard job.

Every day, he has to fight against the relentless tugging of gravity on his head. When your neck is uncomfortable, it can upset your life. A stiff, sore neck can make it difficult to move, which can affect your ability to drive, work, exercise and relax.

Fortunately, many people with stiff necks are not caused by illness, infection or spinal problems, but rather by muscular tensions resulting from activities that are part of your daily life. Here's what you should do and should not do to limit neck pain:

• Work Wisely – Even work that does not seem physically demanding, such as working in front of a computer, can be a disadvantage. If you work at a desk, place your computer at the same height as your eyes. if it is too high or too low, you will submit your neck to hours of subtle tension.

• Do not forget to stretch – During your day, especially your work day, take a few minutes every hour to gently roll your neck in a circle and stretch it on each side, the opposite hand moving towards the ground.

• Examine how you sleep – Sleeping on the side and on the back is better for the neck. Standing on your stomach puts the neck and spine in an uncomfortable position.

• Do not make sudden movements (if you can help) – Rapid and unexpected turns, especially during your workouts, can stress the neck muscles.

• Give your neck a break when it's stiff – Reduce your physical activity for a few days to rest your neck muscles.

• Do not stop moving your neck, even if you minimize your exercises – Slow neck rotation helps to relax muscles and maintain range of motion. The American College of Rheumatology suggests trying this exercise during a hot shower when the neck can be easier to move.

• Seek help to relieve the pain that persists – If a week of rest, stretch the neck, apply ice and heat and take over-the-counter pain medications do not not relieve neck stiffness, the National Institutes of Health recommends talking with your doctor.

It can be difficult to look at the bright side when your neck hurts, but remember this: most stiff necks do not last long. According to the American College of Rheumatology, they generally improve in two weeks or less.

Take five: Posture indicators

Whether you are moving or standing, standing or sitting, good posture is paramount. It improves balance and flexibility, helps maintain mobility, strengthens muscles and prevents injuries during exercise while potentially improving athletic performance.

How can you perfect your posture? Start with these tips:

1. Practice in front of a mirror. Spend a few minutes every day modeling a good posture. Standing, chin parallel to the floor. Keep your shoulders, arms, hips and knees aligned, balancing your weight between both feet. In a sitting position, follow the same principles to keep the body straight, even and square forward, both feet to the floor.

2. Keep the posture in mind. Whether sitting in front of a computer, lining up at the grocery store, walking or driving, be attentive to your posture and correct it as needed.

3. Strengthen your core. As a bridge that connects the upper and lower body, the nucleus is the foundation of good posture. Keep it strong and healthy by making core reinforcement one of your priorities.

4. Stay in motion. Being overweight can unbalance your body and weaken your heart, damaging your posture. Exercising almost every day of the week can help you maintain a proper weight for your posture.

5. Optimize your workspace in the office. If you spend your working day in front of a computer, place it at eye level directly in front of you, place your phone and other essentials at a reasonable distance, and make sure your chair meets the curve of the bottom of your computer. back.

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About the Siloam Springs Regional Hospital

The Siloam Springs Regional Hospital is a 73-bed facility with 42 private rooms. He is accredited by the Department of Health Services and the Arkansas State Joint Commission. Some services include hospital and outpatient surgery, emergency medicine, units of medicine, surgery and intensive care, obstetrics, outpatient diagnostic services and inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation. With more than 50 physicians among the medical staff, the Siloam Springs Regional Hospital provides compbadionate and client-centered care. SSRH is a subsidiary of Northwest Health, one of Northwestern Arkansas' largest health networks, and is a member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network, a small group of independent health systems working closely with Mayo Clinic to improve the delivery of care. health care and better serve their patients and their communities. The Siloam Springs Regional Hospital is located at 603 N. Progress Ave. in Siloam Springs. For more information, visit

Community on 07/10/2019

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