Huawei can not do anything for your naivety! – GIGA


A misfortune seldom happens alone: ​​after Huawei has already been criticized for its alleged links with the Chinese government, the group must now accept the allegations, deceiving the advertising campaign for the new P30 Pro. The truth is a little more complicated.

Suspected deception: Huawei can not do anything for your naivety!

Few 79-year-olds can claim to have changed the world. Stella Liebeck is one of them. In 1992, the retiree accidentally poured her a cup of hot coffee that she had previously purchased from McDonalds. The hot drink caused severe burns. Liebck sued McDonalds and was awarded more than $ 2 million in damages in the first instance. In order to legally protect themselves from such lawsuits in the future, the fast food chain continued to print warnings on coffee mugs: "Be careful, hot coffee" was born.

This coffee is usually hot, you should say common sense. Nevertheless, McDonalds was forced to write the warning on the coffee mugs after the dispute. Certainly safe – especially in the country of unlimited lawsuits.

His own moment Stella-Liebeck also made Huawei's experience this week.

P30 Pro zoom features: Huawei accused of deception

With several presentation images, the Chinese manufacturer has announced the zoom function of the next P30 Pro, which will be officially unveiled in Paris in late March. The plans showed very different motivations: from a child playing with ducks, from an island in the South Sea to a exploding volcano, everything was there. In the middle was a magnifying glbad, which brought together distant and fuzzy motifs.

"Look, the P30 Pro will have an excellent zoom function," says Huawei's unimpressive message.

But surprise: the photos of the teaser have not been shot at all with the P30 Pro! In retrospect, these were photos that the group used. What followed was a bit of shit. There was talk of "cheating", others went even further and accused Huawei of deception.

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Huawei never claimed to have taken the photos with the P30 Pro

What was neglected in general indignation but: Huawei claimed without a syllable that the photos had been taken with the P30 Pro. The alleged cheat attempt is based solely on the badumption that the images were taken with the P30 Pro. But he can hardly be held responsible Huawei.

The fact that Huawei only wants to illustrate the zoom function of the new smartphone with advertising images appears better in the images themselves – after all, we see nothing less than a exploding volcano here. Does anyone seriously believe that Huawei would have given a P30 Pro to a couple of employees, would have put them in a helicopter, then photographed a volcano in danger of explosion?

If you have always wanted to know how to pronounce "Huawei" correctly:

Advertising exaggerates and moves

It's advertising, nothing more. The ad exaggerates and moves, but does not show a true picture of reality. My wet razor does not become a robot and with the new Deo, I do not like all the women who fly by magic. Of course, common sense is actually responsible.

Because who is so naïve and puts every word of advertising on the scale of gold, which is also surprised that the coffee is hot.

Note: The opinions expressed in this article are binding only the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of all GIGA publishers.

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