Huawei has rebuffed US warnings to achieve two things in 2018 for the first time in its history


Huawei had some firsts last year. The Chinese telephone and network hardware company made a profit of over $ 100 billion in 2018, the first time the company has surpbaded that mark. The actual business figure achieved by Huawei last year was 721.2 billion yuan, or 107.13 billion US dollars. And last year, for the first time in its history, Huawei's consumer division was responsible for the majority of the company's business.

The company's carrier business, which includes network equipment, generated revenue of 294 billion yuan (43.8 billion US dollars) last year. This was a slight decrease from the 297.8 billion yuan that the division achieved in 2017. One of the reasons for this decline is the warnings sent by the US government to its allies. In addition, the law prohibits US government agencies from using Huawei products.

Huawei is considered a threat to national security in the states, because the Chinese government could ask the company to work at any time to obtain information. Despite comments from its leaders that it would not comply with this order, Huawei may be legally obliged to use its phones and network equipment as tools to obtain information for the Chinese Communist government. Despite all the pressure from the United States, the company remains the world's leading supplier of network equipment.

Even with all the questions regarding the reliability of Huawei equipment, the company expects double-digit growth in its turnover in 2019. Up to now, the new year has been good for Huawei in this regard. Guo Ping, chairman of Huawei's board, said the combined revenue for January and February this year was up 30 percent from two months last year.

"With 5G investments made by operators this year, opportunities for digitization of the industry and growing consumer demand, Huawei will continue to post double-digit growth this year." – Guo Ping, president of Huawei via a translator.

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