Huawei sales exceed US $ 100 billion, despite US-led campaign to fear security threats – MercoPress


Huawei sales exceed US $ 100 billion, despite US-led campaign to fear security threats

Saturday, March 30, 2019 – 08:08 UTC

The United States and other countries have restricted society, fearing that its links with Beijing pose a threat to security.
The United States and other countries have restricted society, fearing that its links with Beijing pose a threat to security.

Chinese telecom giant Huawei said its revenues reached US $ 100 billion by 2018, despite a US-led campaign against the sector, fearing that this poses a security threat. The business figure for 2018 reached 721.2 billion yuan (107 billion US dollars), while net profit jumped 25 percent to 59.3 billion yuan.

The United States and other countries restricted the company because it feared that its ties with Beijing would pose a threat to security. Huawei claims to be independent and firmly denies that its products pose a security risk.

The Shenzhen-based company said its global business turnover rose 19.5% in 2018, its fastest pace of growth in two years. The result was supported by strong sales of smartphones in China. Meanwhile, its operator activity, which sells telecommunications infrastructure to countries around the world, has declined by 1.3%.

Huawei is the world's leading manufacturer of telecommunication equipment. Western countries are increasingly concerned about the safety of their products used in next-generation 5G mobile networks.

The United States, Australia and New Zealand have all prevented local companies from using Huawei to provide the technology needed for their 5G networks. Several European telecom operators plan to remove Huawei devices from their networks, and a report issued by UK cyber-authorities this week has sharply criticized the technology group

The report, published by the National Cyber ​​Security Center, states that it can provide "only limited badurance as to the possibility of managing long-term security risks with Huawei equipment currently deployed in the Kingdom." -United".

Huawei started to push back. He has launched a more aggressive strategy over the last few months to counter what he sees as a US "defamation" campaign.

Earlier this month, the US government filed a lawsuit prohibiting federal agencies from using its products, claiming that it was "unconstitutional".

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