Huawei will promote smart cities in Africa


Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei Technologies wants to promote smart cities in Africa to boost environmental sustainability, said a senior official Sunday.

Adam Lane, senior manager of public affairs at Huawei Technologies (Kenya) Co., Ltd., told Xinhua in Nairobi that African cities can adopt modern technology in the areas of water use and energy, communications, security, and security enhancement.

"Huawei is currently in talks with a number of African cities to promote the concept of smart cities," Lane said during the dialogue between business leaders before the first session of the UN Assembly to l & # 39; habitat.

Huawei is already deploying smart technologies in cities in Kenya, Nigeria and Botswana.

Lane said that smart technology can be used to better control the use of environmental resources, which improves the sustainability of cities.

According to Huawei, through the use of smart meters for water and electricity, African cities can curb waste and improve revenue collection by utilities.

He observed that Africa was experiencing one of the fastest urbanization rates in the world.

"These challenges are driving the proliferation of informal neighborhoods that are reducing the quality of life for city dwellers," he added.

The Chinese technology giant has also developed innovations to improve the safety of city dwellers.

"We have developed advanced communication and coordination centers that improve the response time of the police and ambulances in case of emergency," Huawei said.

<! – enpproperty 748259992019-05-27 10: 35: 00: 0Huawei will promote smart cities in AfricaAfrica-Huawei-smart cities10077074868Technology, media and telecomTechnology, media and telecom telecommunications giant Huawei Technologies wants to promote smart cities in Africa to strengthen environmental sustainability.1/ enpproperty ->

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