This week, it was discovered that Alzheimer's disease was scientifically badociated with just brushing your teeth. Several studies have converged on porphyromonas gingivalis (PG) or (PG) bacteria badociated with the proliferation of gum disease. A study published this week puts PG in a position to play a major role in brain degradation on the way to Alzheimer's disease. In the studies carried out so far, the results seem to indicate in a major way that PG has something major to do with MA – extremely major.
Evidence in tests
From now on, I will call Alzheimer's disease (AD). In this study, researchers searched for PG-specific protein and DNA in the cortex of AD samples and control samples. They discovered these proteins and DNA in all of their AD patient samples and in none of their control samples. Clearly, they will have to repeat this test again and again until definitive results are obtained, because a set of 10 brains (their set of live tissue tests) is not enough to draw a conclusion – but the results obtained up to Now quite solid.
The evidence also comes from RgpA, RgpB and Kgp, defined in the next section of this article in detail. RgpA, RgpB and Kgp are Gingipains that come from PG. CAB101 and CAB102 antibodies specific for gingipain target RgpB and Kgp, respectively. When these antibodies were applied to all test subjects, AD subjects responded more than control subjects.
The tests are marked here by "gingipaine load". Subjects who presented a fairly significant load showed the presence of RgpB or Kgp – and thus the presence of PG. In total, 96% of the 53 AD samples (51 out of 53 samples) were RgpB positive and 91% of the 54 AD samples (49 out of 54 samples) were Kgp positive.
What are PG and Gingipains?
PG, porphyromonas gingivalis, is an asbacterolytic Gram-negative anaerobic bacterium. What is important with regard to Alzheimer's disease, is that PG produces something called Gingipains. Gingipains Kgp, RgpA and RgpB are the three we follow in this research. These little monsters are basically scouts, as the first aliens of space to destroy, reap and pave the way for the rest of the extraterrestrial invasion in a sci-fi story.
Gingipains destroy the defenses of your body so that the PG can live and grow in peace. The colonization of the host by the Gingipaines allows the PG to seize your cells and thrive. Gingerlings acquire iron and nutrients with which PG can grow in your body.
Gingipains destroy the tissues of all kinds – not just the defenses mentioned above. The research published today cites an article on this topic about Gingipans. The title of the research will probably give you an idea: "Dichotomy of the action of gingipains as virulence factors: from the cleavage of substrates with the precision of a surgeon's knife to a meat grinder as a brutal degradation of proteins. "
What does PG do in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease?
"We hypothesized that P. gingivalis infection acts in the pathogenesis of AD through the secretion of gingipains to promote neuronal damage." That's what the study says. In his quest to live in a host's brain, PG sends Gingipans to destroy your brain. Because of this brain-destroying action, it could be that the presence of PG leads to Alzheimer's disease – which could be the key to stopping Alzheimer's disease before it does. start.
"We have developed and tested in vivo potent, selective, selective, penetrating brain inhibitors, gingipain," said the study. "Our results indicate that inhibition of gingipain by a small molecule could potentially alter the disease in Alzheimer's disease."
What can be done?
We and we are not qualified to advise you on the treatment or prevention of Alzheimer's – you will want to talk to your doctor. But if my understanding is correct, a good starting point to avoid AD can be to make sure to brush your teeth twice a day. Your dentist was right when she said that you should continue to take care of your teeth until adulthood and beyond.
Stay simple
Taking care of your teeth can help prevent PG – PG is part of the pathogenesis, or creation path, of periodontitis (gum disease). By preventing gum disease, you will also prevent PG from biting your brain. These connections can mean that keeping your teeth clean is the key to stopping Alzheimer's disease before it starts.
To learn more about this topic, see the full study by Stephen S. Dominy, Casey Lynch, et al. under the title "Porphyromonas gingivalis in the brain of Alzheimer's disease: Evidence on causality and treatment with small molecule inhibitors". This document is published this week in the latest issue of Science Advances with DOI code: 10.1126 / sciadv.aau3333. This research was published in Science Advances, January 23, 2011, Vol. 5, no. 1, eaau3333.
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