“I am coming for you” – Special prosecutor for returning officers who falsify results


Special prosecutor Kissi Agyabeng said he would attack election officials who tempered the results of the presidential and parliamentary elections.

According to him, the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) is cloned with powers to prosecute presidents and returning officers who tamper with election results.

Speaking to Nana Aba Anamoah on Starr Chat on Wednesday, Mr Agyabeng said that unlike election demands that the court’s jurisdiction be raised, his office will demand and verify pink sheets if necessary.

He said officers who fail to account for their stewardship will face all the rigors of the law.

“… Misrepresentation regarding the elections. The public should know that; I am not the Supreme Court, but fortunately I do not have to wait for the collation of the pink sheets at the Supreme Court to plead. If you are a returning officer or returning officer and you change the results, I am here for you.

“Immediately you declare the results, I call him and I match the polling station to the polling station; what you did and if I find any discrepancies then you should answer me why from transfer from pink leaves to blue leaves there is a discrepancy. Immediately you do not offer a reasonable excuse, I am suing you for this offense, ”he said.

Calls have been made for presidents named for failure to perform their duties to be sanctioned in order to reduce errors observed when compiling election results.

Special prosecutors believe the initiative can make it easier for election candidates to challenge the elections, whether in the High Court or the Supreme Court.

Mr Agyebeng also hinted that the OSP would start rolling out the cases he received in October 2021.

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