I have no respect for the "opinions" of anti-Vaxxers


The reason is that vaccines not only protect individuals, they are also powerful and effective when a certain percentage of the population has been vaccinated.

Vaccines work in two ways. The first is to use dead or damaged pathogens, our body is exposed to a small part of the disease against which you are vaccinated in order to force your immune system to respond. This gives our body the opportunity, in the absence of any real danger or symptom, to develop antibodies and form immunity against this particular disease. This does not mean that one can not contract the disease even if the chances of contracting it are much lower, but if one fell ill, the effects would be much less severe.

The second way of working is called herd immunity. Basically, what collective immunity means is that every contagious disease has a magic number that impedes the progression of the disease and its onset. If enough people are vaccinated against the disease (usually 90% or more), the disease spreads with difficulty because very few people are likely to infect.

This group immunity is important in many ways: it reduces the severity of an epidemic, it can totally eradicate a disease, and the most important benefit is for members of our most vulnerable communities.

Collective immunity protects people who are too young to be vaccinated (such as newborns), people with allergies who can not be vaccinated, and / or autoimmune people who are compromised by autoimmune disease or by other diseases and their treatments – HIV / AIDS, lymphoma, leukemia, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

In fact, the examples mentioned above are not exhaustive. There are a myriad of examples where children demand from their community that it protects them against contagious diseases and infections.