I have not ridden so badly on tires since Shanghai 2007 · RaceFans


Lewis Hamilton said that the condition of his tires at the end of the Monaco Grand Prix reminded him of his infamous retirement in China 12 years ago.

"I never drive with empty tires since Shanghai 2007, the year McLaren left me for a ridiculous time," Hamilton said. He finished the race in a gravel bed before winning the pit lane, but he held on to win today despite pressure from Max Verstappen.

Although he warned his radio team repeatedly about the deterioration in the condition of his tires, Hamilton said he had no intention of being stung.

" I will not come. A few years ago, I was in the lead and I came for a pit stop. I learned the hard way, I lost the race here. So I would not go in, I would go down or finish.

"Honestly, I drove on nothing. You can see how far I've sailed, the car was not running. In the end, I think it was the wrong tire.

Hamilton, who drove the race with a replica of Niki Lauda's helmet, called his third victory in the Monaco Grand Prix "probably the toughest race I've ever had".

"Nevertheless, I really fought with the spirit of Niki. Niki was an influential person on our team, helping us get where we are.

"I was just trying to stay focused and make him proud. It's a little the goal of the whole week. We will try to continue for a year, but we really miss it. "

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