I have questions about this disturbing figurine from Jeff Bezos


Last year, Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon tweeted a picture of himself at his March 2018 conference, walking alongside one of the Boston Dynamic Spot robots. Now, a toy company has provided an extremely detailed, hinged figurine of the richest man in the world, which you can imagine finding, buying and keeping at home for reasons we have not yet discerned.

A company called Ntwrk, a "mobile-first shopping" app, apparently sent the toy to a group of technical journalists, although I can not find more information about this particular toy, which is perhaps to be a good thing considering worrying scary.

In the meantime, I have questions. Twenty-seven of them, to be exact.

Photo by Andrew Liptak / The Verge

  • Why is there a super-detailed articulated figurine from Amazon's CEO?
  • What bad action have we done to deserve this?
  • Why was it sent to me?
  • Who thought it was a good idea?
  • How was the field meeting for this product?
  • Who was in the room who approved this concept and started the development?
  • How will you acquire the image of the richest man in the world to produce a figurine?

Photo by Andrew Liptak / The Verge

  • Was Jeff Bezos consulted at any point in the design and development process?
  • If so, what were his notes?
  • What was the expression on Bezos' face when someone approached him about it?
  • Who was the first person to talk to Bezos?
  • Did Bezos have one of his?
  • If so, does he still have it?
  • Why is it so damn? (This one can actually have an answer.)

Photo by Andrew Liptak / The Verge

  • Why does he have bulging veins?
  • How accurate are the muscles and what access has been provided to Bezos to ensure their accuracy?
  • Who would buy that?
  • What level of Amazon / Bezos fans do you have to buy one?
  • If I bought one, where would I keep it at home?
  • Is this something that my child should play with?

Photo by Andrew Liptak / The Verge

  • Can I buy the Spot robot without the Bezos figure?
  • Bezos tweeted pictures of himself playing with other robots. Will there be a later version?
  • Will it deliver other accessories, such as a scaled version of Amazon Echo or a Blue Origin rocket?
  • When commercial space travels will generalize, will anyone bring Bezos into space?
  • Yes Toy Story In reality, what would be his relationship with the rest of the toys in Andy's bedroom?
  • Should I order a miniature Star Trek: new generation suit to make a Jean Luc Picard at a moderate rent?
  • Why do his eyes seem to follow me as I walk through the room?

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