I once lived as a gay man, but I am now married and have three daughters.


WASHINGTON, D.C., May 27, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Sixteen years ago, Brian Wheelock was totally immersed in the homobadual lifestyle of badgraphy, lust and self-satisfaction. Despite being convinced that he was "born like this" and that his identity was that of a "gay man", he felt deep down inside him that he was unhappy and that It had been created for something more.

"For me, it was empty, and a place of depression for me where I just was not happy," Wheelock told a crowd of former homobadual and transgender men and women at the Second "Annual Walk for Freedom" in Washington DC on weekends.

It was then that he made a promise to God who changed his life forever.

Read the full report on LifeSiteNews: https: //www.lifesitenews.com/news/i-l …

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