Speaking on Accra FM on Tuesday, January 29, 2019, Charity, a student at PRESEC, said she was constantly abused by her mother at home.
Therefore, out of frustration, she decided to leave the house.
His father, Mr. Agyeman Dua, had already told in the same show that Charity had been abducted since December 19, 2019.
The case was reported to Kotobabi police, but according to Mr. Dua, no significant results were obtained.
It is now clear that her daughter deliberately left home.
"I have not been kidnapped," Charity told the facilitator.
"I left home to go live with my friend, where I thought I could be rebadured by the harbadment and abuse that my mother had suffered at home. At one point, I asked if it was my mother because I did not understand some of her words against me at home.
She stressed, "I was not kidnapped, I left home by myself and decided to go home. "Surprisingly, while I was with a friend, I never heard in the news that I had been kidnapped, even though I am told that the announcement was made in the media. "
Meanwhile, her mother, Margret Agyeman Dua, denied abusing Charity at home.
She explained that she had taken disciplinary action when necessary and that this could not constitute ill-treatment.
"It's not true that I mistreated her at home. I punished her every time she went bad and I will continue in my parental duties, "she said.
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