I will not lie to you! Prez Akufo Addo insures | Policy


The President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, said that at the end of her four-year term, Ghanaians would be better able to determine whether or not he had kept his promises, adding that he had no intention of misleading people.

"We have two and a half years in office for four years and I continue to insist and tell Ghanaians that by the end of my term, they will see that I have come to tell them the truth about what I wanted. make. I did not come to deceive anyone, "said the president.

Addressing Ghanaian residents Monday in Paris, France, where he is making a state visit at the invitation of French President Emmanuel Macron, President Akufo-Addo said: "I know that my opponents will say something else, but that's their right. . God willing, December 7, 2020, day of responsibility, we will know who is telling the truth. "

He said that the New Patriotic Party (NPP) government he leads is keeping his election promises by putting in place sound policies and programs to improve Ghana, and that the electorate will be the best judge in the country. 2020.

Patriotic Citizens

President Akufo-Addo said that the time has come for Ghanaians to "cherish" their nationality and not to help foreigners participate in the national identification process.

"Let's cherish our nationality; let us cherish our citizenship. Do not allow anyone to try to get the Ghana Card for people who are not Ghanaian. Often, it is our own people who lead this exercise of getting our Ghana map for non-Ghanaians, "he said.

"We are trying to make sure that NHIS is working for Ghanaians, and adding the non-Ghanaian population to this is just tiring the service. I do not think Ghanaian taxpayers should subsidize our health care for others. I say this with the utmost respect for those who are not Ghanaians, but if you have the map, you have access, "added the president.

West African Elections

He said: "These elections we have, some people want to translate the Ghanaian elections into West African elections. We have not yet reached a situation where Togolese, Ivorians and Malians can vote in elections in Ghana. This should not be the case. The elections should be about Ghanaians and, if we are all vigilant, we can make sure that is the reality. "

"My personal belief is that we should make sure this process is finished for everyone before conducting the elections abroad. We all know that there are people who take our papers and who are not necessarily Ghanaian. It's not a secret and we should not be dishonest and deny it. It's a fact, "he said.

"If this process of giving each of us an identity card is what will be able to determine who is or is not a Ghanaian, I think we should have this process completed before we can bring into play the vote abroad, "he said.

The president also announced to Ghanaian residents that Ghana had been chosen by the African Union to host the Secretariat of the Secretariat of the Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), calling it "one of the things the most important that the AU has accomplished ".

He said he was confident AfCFTA "will give us the opportunity to actively engage the 1.2 billion people of our continent in the development of our continent." We must find a way to develop our continent ourselves. We can not continue to depend on foreigners to develop our continent for us. "

He congratulated the late President John Evans Atta Mills for being the first Ghanaian President to present the motion for the creation of the Continental Free Trade Area in 2011.

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