I will not speak to be insulted or dishonored – Kennedy Agyapong insists


General News of Sunday, April 7th, 2019

Source: mynewsgh.com


Kennedy Agyapong Cttee Kennedy Agyapong

Kennedy Agyapong, the new president of the Patriotic Party (NPP), defended his decision not to go on television or radio to defend his party, as it had been a few weeks ago, insisting that the goal was to redeem his image. resolution.

During an interview, the legislator revealed that he was constantly despised, dishonored and verbally abused by people who were below him simply because he was responsible for defending the party. , insisting that it was time that he bowed to create an opportunity for others.

He explained that expressing himself for the party on the media platforms was not the only way to contribute to his growth, stressing that he could also support other areas by doing the NPP a force with which one had to count.

"I speak and they disrespect me. I want to get rid of talking too much so that when someone approaches me, he will know that I am also a respectable and dignified person. I need to regain my respect because people denigrate me. I have been sleeping on development and have realized that my defense for the party is the reason why I am not respected. I still maintain that I will not talk again. Not in politics, "he revealed in an interview monitored by MyNewsGh.com.

The legislator explained that he would not talk about politics, but social issues that are of great concern to Ghanaians and that he will continue his philanthropic actions towards the people who need them most, including the lower privileges of society. ".

"I will not talk about politics, but about social issues and I will continue to do good to all people who need support based on my strength. I will not stop the philanthropic work, but I stop getting up at dawn to talk on television or radio. I want Ghanaians to see that I'm more of a gentleman when I'm not on the radio or on television, "he said.

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