I will sing for NDC when God asks – Diana Asamoah


Animations from Sunday, March 31st, 2019

Source: X Y Z


Diana Asamoah.jpeg Diana Asamoah

The Evangelical Ghanaian diva, evangelist Diana Asamoah, says she works under the direction of Almighty God, who is her ultimate director since she began singing for more than 20 years.

For her, all she has done in her career as a musician and evangelist over the past two decades is through the direction of God.

It made this revelation Saturday on Power Entertainment on Power 97.9 FM, based in Accra, to promote its new and ninth album, 'Onyame Tumfo (The Almighty God).

Agyemang Prempeh, host of the show, asked why she had sung on the New Patriotic Party (NPP) campaign platforms while she was in opposition and not her opponent, the National Democratic Congress (NDC). .

"I sing for Ghana and not a politician," she said.

When asked if she would sing for NDC, she said, "God directs every move I make. If they [NDC] call me and God command me to honor him, I will do it.

She also took the opportunity to clarify some misconceptions that President Akufo-Addo offered him a new car after taking office.

"I only have one car … I got my car by God's grace. he [Akufo-Addo] never bought my car for me. My producer [Anane Frimpong] and I came together to buy the car. It was purchased through the products of my evangelism and singing, "she revealed.

Diana is close to the ruling party, New Patriotic (NPP), and even composed a song for President Akufo-Addo ahead of the 2016 elections.

Under the NPP government, she was appointed ambbadador for tourism, which is why some Ghanaians think she is aligned with the NPP.

But she says that as a citizen of Ghana, she sings for all Ghanaians and not for any particular political party.

"I am not part of any political party, I am Ghanaian," she told Agyemang about her political affiliation.

She will sing for any political party when they call her, but only if God orders it.

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