Ignore The Color – Catholics defend controversial "racist" statue | Social


Some Catholic faithful have put up a strong defense following attacks on the church against a statue supposed to promote the supremacy of the whites.

A publication of Face2faceafrica.com suggests that some of the Ghanaians are outraged by the fact that the statue unveiled at the Roman Catholic cave Tepa in Manfo, in the Brong region, represents a white angel surmounting under his feet a devil with dark skin.

The statue sparked many social media discussions, many condemning the Catholic Church for belittling the black race.

Some ask the church to immediately remove the controversial statue.

But in response to the attacks, some faithful church members explain why the statue should not be described as "racist".

An ardent member of the Church defends the fact that color does not matter when religious issues are discussed because "faith is colorless".

He stressed that, whether it is black or white, it should not be interpreted as racism.

"In my opinion, it's not a racist statue. I see this statue as a projection of an angel and the devil and that's all I see … I do not care about the color because the color will not take us to heaven, it's just faith that we have that is colorless "it is noted.

Giving a Biblical explanation, another Catholic advises critics to ignore the color and focus on the symbolic interpretation of the statue.

He said that the black color does not symbolize the black race as many interpret it, but rather represents Satan and his kingdom of darkness, as it has always been described in the Holy Bible.

He exhorts those who insinuate in the Catholic Church to read Revelation 12: 7-12, as the statue seems to represent what is captured there.

Although "it's a human representation, so imperfect. Nobody can perfectly represent in a perfect way what is heavenly. However, the sculptor has tried to convey a heavenly message and push believers to believe in God, "he said.

He explains that "the angel who holds the sword is Michael, the archangel, the commander of the heavenly host of God. We see him walking on Satan (the one under Michael's feet). It means that God is victorious over Satan and his kingdom of darkness. Therefore, our need to place our trust in him and seek his help when Satan mistreats us. "

"A believer who sees this image and climbs the mountain to pray understands it perfectly, without thinking about racism," he adds.

"White also symbolizes holiness, the celestial glory of God's holiness and victory AND NOT THE WHITE RACE! These are the wings of the Angel who are white and not the skin of the Angel. Please, the white is white as in the color of a white chalk or a white A4 sheet. Do not read the meanings in things with biased mentalities. In addition, what we see: Michael and Satan, are spiritual entities and not human beings, so to speak of a white man walking on a black man. "

"This is not an insult to the black race. Our "essential property" is what makes us what we really are: "Human beings created in the image and likeness of God" as are whites. That's what's most important. Our being white or black is only an "Accident" that is not controlled by our will but determined by God, nature, genetics, and so on. "

"Why should Ghanaians be angry when we ask students to stand on the side of the road just to greet a white man? Or they were told that the Black Angel is a Ghanaian. "

"When Jesus fed more than 5,000 people the next day, they wanted to make him king …… when these so-called whites traveled to Ghana to give our leaders aid and other considerable sums, our leaders in turn placed innocent schoolchildren routes to send a signal of appreciation..you could see that students have no idea what they are doing.

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