Ignore the Small Talk: Research Says Foreigners Don’t Really Want It


Despite our reluctance to delve deeper with strangers, the results of this study suggest that deep conversations between strangers were not only less awkward than participants thought, but also more pleasurable, resulting in stronger feelings of connection between them. pairs.

Interestingly, participants also often assumed that strangers would not be interested in knowing more about them, when this turned out not to be the case. On top of that, participants who had deep conversations and superficial conversations thought they would prefer the superficial conversation. Again, not the case.

As a behavioral science professor and co-author of the study, Nicholas Epley, Ph.D. explains in a press release, “People seemed to imagine that revealing something significant or important about themselves in a conversation would be met with blank stares and silence, only to find that was not true in the actual conversation. “

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