Improvements to the street landscape Go to Council PKG


At the last Naperville City Council meeting, municipal staff proposed new standards for the downtown streetscape.
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Downtown Naperville is getting a new look. At the last Naperville City Council meeting, municipal staff proposed new standards for the downtown streetscape.

"The Downtown 2030 plan has highlighted the need to update the previous standards and develop a plan to modernize the downtown's aging urban landscape," said Jennifer Louden, TED's Deputy Director, who said presented the subject.

The purpose of the updates is to provide a consistent aesthetic to the neighborhood, while making the neighborhood convenient for all downtown visitors.

This will include expanding certain sidewalks and corners and installing uniform equipment such as planters and bike racks.

Some inclined parking spaces will also be converted in parallel.

"The conversion of spaces located on the south side of Jefferson and on the east side of Main Street will result in a reduction of approximately 13 parking spaces," said Louden. "However, this issue has been discussed at length with the Downtown Advisory Board and the DAR, as well as staff, believing that the additional benefits for pedestrians in these areas outweigh the reduction in the number of parking spaces."

Jackson Avenue between Washington and Main will experience the most radical change. The plan would turn this space into a "woonerf" – a space shared by vehicles and pedestrians with a sidewalk flush and lighted arches at each end.

It was the first reading of the point before the podium and the comments of the council members were generally positive.

"Thank you so much. I thank you for that and I think it's nice to see visuals, "said City Councilor Judy Brodhead. "I know we spent a lot of time thinking about that and planning that."

Louden added that both the main working group and the disability working group have considered and approved the proposed concepts.

The document, along with the implementation priorities, is available on the city's website.

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