In the United Kingdom, five outbreaks of Listeria linked to hospital food cause five deaths


Listeria outbreaks linked to sandwiches and pre-packaged salads in NHS hospitals in the United Kingdom caused the death of five patients, according to the latest update from Public Health England (PHE) released Friday.

PHE, the Food Standards Agency (FSA), Food Standards Scotland (FSS), Public Health Wales (PHW) and Health Protection Scotland (HPS) are currently investigating several foods related to the epidemic. .

The good food chain voluntarily stopped production for the duration of the investigation and the concerned sandwiches and salads were removed from the hospitals during the first identification of Listeria infections. Evidence suggests that all affected people ate the products on May 25 before the food was removed.

The good food chain collaborates with the FSA during the investigation and issued a statement in which it states: "Our thoughts and our deepest condolences go to the families of the deceased and to anyone who has been affected by this epidemic.

"We understand that ongoing investigations are complex and will involve a number of stakeholders, but we hope that the authorities will continue their investigations urgently so that the entire industry can learn from the lessons learned. situation as quickly as possible. wait too long for answers. "

The meat provided to the companies by North Country Cooked Meats has given positive results to the listeria tests. The company also voluntarily stopped production for the investigation.

At the present time, patients affected by the listeriosis outbreak were in hospitals in England.

Dr. Colin Sullivan, Director General of FSA Operations, said, "We remain sympathetic to the families of the tragically deceased patients.

"We have taken steps with local authorities to minimize the risks based on the evidence so far. The FSA will continue to investigate the cause of the epidemic to prevent it from recurring. "

Dr. Nick Phin, deputy director of the National Infection Service of the PES, said: "Up to now, no patient related to this incident has been badociated with this incident outside of the organizations of health care, but we continue to investigate. Rapid action has been taken to protect patients and risks to the public are low.

"PHE continues to badyze all recent and ongoing listeria samples from inpatients to understand if their disease is related to this outbreak."

What is listeria?

Listeria is a rare infection and most people affected will not notice or present mild symptoms of gastroenteritis that do not require medical care. If the infection becomes more severe, it can spread to the bloodstream or the brain, which is more likely to affect the elderly, young babies, pregnant women and people with immune systems. is weakened.

The disease can develop up to 70 days after being exposed to Listeria bacteria.

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