Incarnation of good leadership, part two


As the run to the creeks thickens, the question for the electorate and the faithful of the party is to know what these aspirants have done to improve the socio-economic development of the community. State of Bayelsa. Here, the service history is called to be questioned.

These issues, often referred to as "Operation Show Your Scorecard", are needed to help people make informed choices among all aspirants with a keen sense of development that will enable good governance to improve the state's wealth. .

In this regard, Ambbadador Godknows Igali is one of the main contenders for the race given his record of achievements.

After his appointment as Secretary of the Government of Bayelsa State in February 2006 under the administration of Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, Mr. Igali brought the issue of governance to an unprecedented level thanks to the formulation viable policies that have placed the state on the pedestal of accelerated economic development.

As a true Ijaw son, he ensured that the Ijaw nation's heroes such as Isaac Adaka Boro and members of the Niger Delta Volunteer Force were not forgotten when he launched a memo to the Executive Council of the state that approved benefits for them, including a monthly allowance for Boro. the surviving wives, children and siblings as well as Captain Owonaro and the surviving fighters of the Niger Delta Volunteer Force.

Others are monthly tokens to parents of true Niger Delta volunteer force fighters, who handed over and built one-story buildings for Isaac Boro and Captain Owonaro, including bungalows for all members. from the Boro team.

Ambbadador Igali also prioritized merit as a selection criterion to participate in any government-sponsored program. A good example is the promotion of a French-language education program in the state, where the best French students from primary and secondary schools were selected to participate in a four-week program in France and Belgium.

After serving as Honorary Advisor / Chief Negotiator to President Olusegun Obasanjo on issues relating to the Niger Delta alongside that of Bayelsa's state government secretary, Ambbadador Igali played several roles to mitigate the situation. volatility of the Niger Delta.

At that time, the Niger Delta knew the rise of militancy with the formation of militant camps in the states of Ondo, Edo, Delta, Bayelsa, Rivers and Akwa Ibom, under the auspices of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND).

Thus, Ambbadador Igali was the first son of the Niger Delta to visit all the major camps of different states, including the most feared camp 5, in order to negotiate with them and sell the idea of ​​the Presidential amnesty program for activists and the government of the time.

It was his policy that later led to the creation of the Niger Delta amnesty program, which he continued to play as one of the leaders of the Pan Niger Delta Forum.

As ambbadador to the Nordic countries of Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland between 2800 and 02000, Ambasador Igali demonstrated an exemplary leadership style that allowed Nigerian residents from these countries to develop a sense of belonging.

Most of his years spent in the Nordic countries were devoted to building strong relations between the host countries and Nigeria, thus allowing foreign direct investment in Nigeria.

Mr. Igali was appointed Permanent Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Water Resources in May 2000, where he embarked on reforms of the water sector, including the introduction of the public-private partnership. (PPP) in the water supply sector, which has become a point of reference in the water sector in Nigeria. sector.

He has also played a major role in building the link between water, energy and agriculture through the construction of multipurpose dams in Nigeria, including the Gurara, which provides drinking water, 30 megawatts of water. electricity and 3,000 hectares of agricultural land irrigation) and the Kashimbila Dam, which provides drinking water, 40 megawatts of electricity and 4,000 hectares of agricultural land irrigation.

By launching several water supply and irrigation projects in the Niger Delta through the Ministry and Authority of the Niger Delta Basin, Ambbadador Igali launched the development at the base.

These include the Ogbia Central Water Supply Project, the construction of small-scale irrigation systems at Anyama, Peremabiri and Sampou, the Ondewari Sugar Cane Irrigation / Drainage Project, construction of drainage and erosion control structures in Etieama, as well as drainage works and land. recovery structures at Otuoke and Peremabiri.

Other projects include the construction of the East Bomo Regional Water Project, the construction of a mini-water supply system in Sampou / Kalama, Okoloba, Sabagrea, Opokuma, Biseni, Akaibiri and Igbogene, construction of a water treatment plant and the reticulation project at Sagbama and Ekeremor, Kaiama, at the integrated regional level. water supply system, flood control and erosion control in Eniwari, water reticulation project in Egebema-Angalabiri and Aleibiri, as well as the central water supply system d & # 39; Opolo-Epie.

After being transferred to the Federal Ministry of Power in March two thousand and thirteen, he became chairman of the Technical Implementation Committee on Privatization. As such, he is responsible for overseeing the process of transferring badets from the electricity sector to the new private owners in November two thousand and thirteen.

This is outside the series of negotiations with the electricity workers' union which resulted in the payment of terminal benefits to more than 48,000 workers in order to allow the privatization process to proceed smoothly.

Ambbadador Igali began construction of the 700 MW Zungeru hydroelectric plant; the completion of the design of the Mambilla hydroelectric plant of 3,030 MW and the creation of an environment conducive to the injection of private sector capital into the energy sector, as well as the diversification of Nigeria's energy mix to exploit the country's abundant natural resources.

It also launched the training of 3,600 young people in the electricity sector as part of the national energy sector learning program, launched the Operation Light-Up Rural Nigeria project by putting pilot projects using renewable energy across the country. seven integrated national power plants.

In respect of his constituency Amb, Mr. Igali has launched several energy projects in the state of Bayelsa, referred to as energy improvement projects in the state of Bayelsa, including the 39 contract award of Bayelsa transmission sub-station 90 MVA to Gbaraintoru to strengthen the state power supply, 2 X 60 MVA, 132 / 33KV substation at Oporoma and extension of the line 2 x 132 kv in Yenagoa and several other rural electrification projects in the state.

Among these include the design for the connection of Bayelsa State to the national grid, rural electrification from Okoroba to Ebohm Ogbia LGA, rural electrification of Elebele-Oruma-Emeyal , the rehabilitation of the Otabagi-Otuokpoti-Opume-Otuogidi line at 33 kv and the installation of distribution transformers as well as the construction and rehabilitation of the line 48 km Angkia-Oporoma and Oporoma-Onyoma-Ekowe-EKianbiri Peremabiri.

The other projects are: Angiama-Otuan-Umugbene, Ogbongene-Egbepulugbene-Akede-Ondewari-Korokorosei-Ikeinyabiri-Olugbobiri-Ikebiri, Awigbene-Osiama-Azia-Kasama, 38 km from the 33kv line, construction and rehabilitation of Lougong, 2005 -Ofoinibiri-Opuama-Opolobubo-Diebu-Peremabiri-Aguabiri-Igebiri-Obeleli-Anyama-Oweikorogha-Ikibiri-Ambadoma, Line 42k-33kv, Purchase and installation of transformers of 300 kva at Mile 3, Sagbama, Asamabiri, El-Ekperewari construction of an 18 km line at 33 kva, the installation of 2 500 kV transformers and the construction of 3 km of low voltage lines.

The rest consists of buying and installing a 500 kva transformer in Ifidi, Odi community, Kolokuma / Opokuma ZG, feasibility studies and technical design of the Nun River, at a environmental impact study of the Nun River, feasibility studies and the production of reliable data for the coastal zone wind farm. Nembe, Consulting Services for Wind, Solar and Biombad Projects in the Koluama Community, Wind, Solar and Biombad Consulting Services in the Eniwari Community. Electrify Nigeria in the Eniwari and Otuabula 2 communities.

As a permanent federal secretary, he has been employed by more than two hundred and twenty Bayelsans in different ministries, departments and agencies. He has created a huge impact on his generation.

Stakeholders should take a hard look at the achievements of Ambbadador Boladei Igali while making crucial decisions regarding the future leader of the state of Bayelsa.

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