Indian election candidate cries after discovering only 5 of his 9 eligible family members voted for him (video) ▷ Ghana news


An Indian election candidate was filmed crying after learning not only that he had lost, but also because of the nine members of his family entitled to vote, only five voted for him.

In the Indian region of Punjab, the Lok Sabha elections were held at the end of May 2019, and one man crowned the newspapers because of the nine eligible members of his family who could vote, but only five voted for him.

Neetu Shuttern Wala questioned 856 valid votes, but that was not enough. Anyone well-intentioned can be sad to have lost an election, but Wala was extremely overwhelmed by the fact that his entire family did not believe in him.

Members of his own family "betrayed" him and did not all vote for him.

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Unfortunately, the video available for is not in English and so we came across the reliable translation of

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While wiping her tears, Wala accused her family and the election machines of being corrupted in the electoral process, which led to her loss.

The reporter then rubbed the salt in his wounds and asked him: "When your own family does not support you, how can you expect outsiders to help you?"

It is not clear whether the votes of the four renegade family members would have greatly contributed to Wala's electoral fortunes.

It would still hurt to see that your own family members are not united behind you.

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Meanwhile, a boy, Victor Martin Angulo, caught the attention of the Internet after his perseverance saw him on a street-side mission due to lack of electricity in his home.

According to the Tubarco information website, the young Peruvian will now live in a two-story house and a school in a well-equipped learning center.

All this is thanks to a Bahraini millionaire, Yaqoob Yusuf Ahmed.

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