Indiscipline on our roads that kills us – the Minister of Transport exclaims


The Minister of Transport, m Kwaku Ofori Asiamah attributed the accidents on the roads, largely to the indiscipline of drivers and stressed the need for a coordinated effort to deal with the threat.

AT Minister, killings on the roads have been widely attributed to indiscipline, noting that statistics from the National Road Safety Commission (NRSC) indicate that about 80 percent of all the road accidents were caused by human error, majority related to the indiscipline of drivers.

He added that it was time for citizens to take the safety of their lives for themselves and insist that when a driver drives too fast or causes unnecessary overruns on the road, those who find themselves on board the vehicle have the right to warn them.

The Minister made these remarks on On Monday, when he visited the victims of last Friday's accident at Trauma and Specialist Hospital in Winneba and St. Luke Catholic Hospital in Apam, Central Region.

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The minister also visited the scene of the accident at Ekumfi.

He was accompanied by representatives of the Ministry, the National Road Safety Commission, the metropolitan public transport network, the Ghana Police Service and the Central Regional Deputy Minister.

Metro Mbad Transit General Manager, Albert Aduboahene, on the occasion of his part expressed his sincere condolences to the families of the victims.

He said of all the narrations given by the victims, it was clear that the fault of the accident was not due to the driver of Metro Mbad Transit.

He badured that his team would continue to take steps to ensure the comfort and safety of their customers, pointing out that the government was acquiring New Bus fleet to replace worn out and overworked buses on the roads.

ACP Owoahene Acheampong, police commander of Winneba, recounted how the accident occurred and advised drivers to always leave some distance between their vehicle and the one in front of it.

Related story: Accident: more than 30 dead fears

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