Influenza deaths: a two-year-old boy is the latest victim of the killer season in the state of Washington


A two-year-old boy from Perth became the last victim of the deadly flu season in Western Australia.

The toddler of Secret Harbor, who was in foster care according to Western Australia, was taken to hospital on Saturday morning with flu-like symptoms, but died soon after.

Watch in the video above: the family warns against the flu

It is understood that the child has been vaccinated against the flu.

On Tuesday, deputy community director Jackie Tang described the boy's death as "extremely tragic and painful".


The 2019 flu season in Washington has already killed 10 more people than it did last year.

Last week, 48 Western Australians died of the flu this year.

Figures released last week by the Ministry of Health showed a significant increase in the number of reported cases.

The number of people admitted to the hospital increased by 440%, from 340 admissions at the same time last year to 1,837.

Not too late

The Ministry of Health said the best time to get vaccinated was before the start of the influenza season, but that it was not too late to get vaccinated.

"As long as flu is circulating, it's not too late to get vaccinated," the ministry said in a statement.

"The government-funded influenza vaccine is not lacking for the moment."

For more information on WA, click here.

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