Inside the amusement park & ​​# 39; vile & # 39; vile & # 39; who uses the Princess Diana car accident to attract visitors


Here is a new look at a new theme park that uses the car crash that killed Princess Diana – among the Bigfoot and alien conspiracy theories – to attract visitors.

Critics described the attraction as "vile", "tasteless" and "sick", but the scandal did not stop people from visiting the National Enquirer amusement park.

A section titled "The Royals" includes a 3D reconstruction of the accident that occurred in Paris in August 1997, showing a car going through a tunnel and slamming crookedly.

After visiting the exhibition, visitors are asked if they think the Royals were involved in the death of Diana, who was described as an accident by the investigators.

The exhibition recreates the accident that killed Princess Diana

The British Royals are one of the main attractions of National Enquirer Live !, which opened this month in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, as the US tabloid magazine hopes to take advantage of the tragic accident that killed Diana.

Admission for adults costs £ 21 per person, while admission for children costs £ 13.

Among the other features of the royal exhibition are the first pages with photos of the Queen, Diane and Prince Charles and a digital closet showing pieces of the monarch's wardrobe over the years.

Visitors pbad mannequins disguised as guards of false military uniforms

When visitors enter the section, they are greeted by models dressed as British fake military uniform guards.

The video tour was posted by travel bloggers Will and Dawn from Yankee in the South, who attended the grand opening last week.

In the video, Will says, "We are about to go to 'The Royals'.

"The Royals are one of the greatest year-heads that the Enquirer has ever known.

National Enquirer Live! has a section dedicated to the royal family

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"They love taking it to the royal family."

Creative designer Robin Turner said of the Diana exhibition: "It's a 3D computer model, and you despise what looks like Paris, but it's three-dimensional.

"It's projected and you see the buildings and all in a 3D presentation.

"And she shows the way forward when she left the Ritz Hotel, the paparazzi chasing her and the flash-light that we believe blinded the driver and explained how it was past."

The theme park has been called "vile" for using Diana's death as an attraction

Turner, one of the main investors in the theme park, explained that the exhibition Diana will be treated with tact despite its macabre theme.

He added that visitors would not be affected by the close-ups of Diana's body.

"There is no blood," he told the American Daily Beast website.

"There are not any. You see the car accident through computer animation. "

Turner said that visitors would be invited to look into various theories of conspiracy widely denied about the accident.

The theme park opened this month in Tennessee

They include an badertion that Diana was pregnant with her Egyptian boyfriend, Dodi Fayed, and murdered by British intelligence under the leadership of Buckingham Palace.

To defend the attraction, Turner insisted: "It's certainly not bad taste, it's just showing the way of what happened."

He argued that the attraction was respectful to Prince William and Prince Harry, aged 15 and 12 at the time of their mother's death, who repeatedly reiterated how painful it was to live again. the tragedy.

The royal family did not comment on the attraction.

British expats in the United States have described the attraction as "grotesque", and Twitter users have described it as "tasteless" and "sick".

French police officers at the scene of the Diana crash in August 1997

Christopher Dickey, a Paris journalist who covered the accident, wrote that "turning false information into a tourist attraction" was "vile".

Diana, 36, was killed alongside Fayed, 42, in the back seat of a Mercedes Benz S280 driven by Henri Paul, who also died.

The investigators said that the vehicle crashed at an altitude of about 65 km / h in a concrete pillar of the Pont de l'Alma tunnel in Paris.

In addition to the royal family, National Enquirer Live! has exhibits devoted to conspiracy theories surrounding Bigfoot, aliens and UFOs, the badbadination of JFK and the landing on the moon.

It also features a model of Michael Jackson in a hyperbaric chamber.

The mannequin turns his head and opens his eyes, revealing yellow and black eyes like those of the pop star's Thriller video.

Another MJ model is holding a doll with a towel on her head on a balcony, recreating the scene when the singer suspended her son Blanket out of her hotel room in Berlin in 2002

Other attractions are dedicated to the OJ Simpson trial and the murder of six-year-old JonBenet Ramsey.

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Main reports of Mirror Online

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