Investigation opened on e-mails leaked by Trump inept administration – BBC News


Theresa May has "full confidence" in the UK ambbadador who criticized the Trump administration for leaked e-mails, but she does not agree with her badessment.

The Prime Minister's spokesman added that the leak was "absolutely unacceptable" and that No. 10 had made contact with the White House.

Sir Kim Darroch, the UK's ambbadador to Washington, described Donald Trump's administration as "inept" in his e-mails.

The US president responded by saying "we are not big fans of this man and he has not served the UK well".

The government opened an email leak investigation, in which Sir Kim said the White House was "unusually dysfunctional" and "divided" under Trump.

The spokesman for the prime minister said that it was "the duty of ambbadadors to give honest and no-nonsense advice," but Ms. May "does not agree with the l & # 39; Evaluation".

"The leak is absolutely unacceptable and, as you would expect, contact has been made with the Trump administration.We are of the opinion that we think it is unacceptable," he said. he adds.

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