iOS 13 bring an identity card to the iPhone> Macerkopf


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Just a few days ago, we learned that the iPhone with iOS 13 can "scan" the NFC chip of the Japanese identity card. However, we do not even have to look very far in the Far East. Even the German identity card can be filed with iOS 13 on the iPhone.

iOS 13: Online ID with the iPhone

As announced by the Federal Ministry of the Interior for the construction and the country of origin, "online identification" on iOS 13 will also be possible in this country with l & 39; ; iPhone.

As is known, Apple has announced the opening of part of the NFC interface of the iPhone as part of this year's developer conference, WWDC. As a result, it will be possible to use the online identity card identification function and the electronic residence permit with an iPhone from autumn 2019 and with the release of iOS 13 (scheduled for September ).

The message says

The Federal Ministry of Interior Construction and Homeland welcomes this milestone. This will soon allow Apple mobile device users to benefit from digital sovereign applications such as ID, ePbad and eVisum. Like in-person checks at international airports. Germany and many other states have been in contact with Apple for a long time.

Apple has now announced its opening with the upcoming iOS 13 operating system in the autumn of 2019, the NFC interface. At the same time, the AusweisApp2 of the Federal Government, which can be used with iPhones, should be made available for free download on the Apple Store, so that the online identification function can also be used with iPhones.

We welcome the decision of the federal department. Thus, each iPhone user can decide, starting in the fall, whether or not he wants to use the new feature. (Thanks Patrick, via BMI)

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