IPU calls for action to defend 187 MPs prosecuted around the world


At the end of the 140th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in Doha, Qatar, the global parliamentary community strongly condemned the human rights violations perpetrated against members of parliament from around the world..

Committee On the human rights of IPU parliamentarians, an international body charged with supporting parliamentarians at risk has recommended that action be taken in the case of the 187 parliamentarians from 13 countries whose human rights are at stake. 39, men were raped.

This was announced in a press release issued on Wednesday April 10 2019 at the end of the 140th IPU Assembly in Doha, Qatar,

The committee considered allegations of human rights violations affecting 64 parliamentarians of the party coalition of the round table of democratic unity in the Assembly of Venezuela.

The allegations range from mistreatment, arbitrary detention to other acts obstructing the exercise of parliamentary mandates.

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The party of the round table of the democratic unity opposed the fact that the government of Mr. Maduro obtained a majority in the National Assembly following the elections of 2015 and that since 2016, the government has not provided funding to the National Assembly.

Recently, at the Caracas airport, two members of the National Assembly were prevented from attending the IPU Assembly in Doha.

The committee met separately with members of the round table of the democratic unity of the National Assembly and members of the Bloque de la Patria parliamentary group who support Maduro.

And once again condemned the systematic harbadment of members of the National Assembly, which is part of the great political crises in Venezuela, he reiterated that he was always ready to help the Venezuelan authorities to find a solution current impbades through dialogue and mediation.

In Turkey, more than 600 terrorism and terrorism charges have been brought against 61 deputies of the People's Democratic Party (HPD) since December 2015, when the constitution was amended to allow the total lifting of parliamentary immunity .

Hundreds of trials are ongoing against parliamentarians and former parliamentarians of HPD. In Turkey, ten former parliamentarians are still in detention.

The IPU has confirmed the invitation of its members in Turkey to meet the judicial and executive authorities on a fact-finding mission. The IPU also stressed the importance of meeting MPs in detention during the mission.

At the same time, the IPU welcomed the release of former deputies Frank Diongo and Eugene Diomi Ndongala of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the UN Human Rights Committee. UIP having exerted intense pressure on their behalf since 2012 in the Ndongala case and in 2016. case of Diongo.

Since June 2012, Ndongala has been the target of a campaign of political and legal harbadment aimed at removing it from this process. The IPU continues to lament that the MP has not benefited from the presidential pardon given to other political prisoners.

In the case of Mr. Diongo, an opposition MP, was arrested in December 2016 by soldiers of the presidential guard. He was reportedly tortured and summarily judged despite a fragile state of health due to ill-treatment in detention.

The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) welcomed the presidential pardon in the case of Mr. Diongo.

In the Philippines, the world's parliamentary body remains concerned that Senator Leila de Lima is still in detention for more than two years after her arrest, despite the lack of corroborating evidence to justify the charges against him. she.

While the UIP demands its immediate release by the Philippine authorities and the discontinuation of the lawsuits against him, failing which, the UIP requests that an observer of the lawsuits of the UIP be allowed to control the legality and fairness of any trial.

The IPU has decided to close all cases of Maldivian MPs, except one, brought to the attention of the Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians.

At the beginning of the year, the IPU closed the 44-member file that had been satisfactorily resolved, leaving seven members of parliament reportedly arbitrarily detained, detained, and prosecuted. when they were in the opposition. .

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